This is a prototype/proposal for more structured mutable array semantics in Julia, which is more easily compatible with AD and other program transformations.
s can largely be used as normal arrays, except that they are immutable.
julia> xs = IArray(rand(3, 3))
3×3 IArray{Float64,2}:
0.59274 0.76084 0.605007
0.353013 0.773034 0.325377
0.642339 0.237374 0.421283
julia> xs*xs
3×3 Array{Float64,2}:
1.00855 1.18275 0.86105
0.691138 0.943404 0.602178
0.735142 0.772217 0.643335
- Likely needs some (reasonably simple) compiler support to be remotely efficient.
- i.e. immutable heap-allocated buffers + escape analysis
- No GPU support yet
- i.e. immutable heap-allocated GPU buffers