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Soil depth and parameters #17

ChristinaB opened this issue Apr 5, 2019 · 21 comments

Soil depth and parameters #17

ChristinaB opened this issue Apr 5, 2019 · 21 comments


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@RondaStrauch add the picture here please.

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Added shapefile statsgossurgosoil_dhsvmparams.shp to Hydroshare

SKAGIT parameter summary_071415.docx


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Soil depth AML for generating DHSVM soil depth - we used range of [1,3] meters for soil depth grid.

/* soildepth.aml Kenneth Westrick 12/27/1999
/* This aml creates a soildepth file for DHSVM based on local slope (determined from DEM),
/* upstream source area, and elevation. There are a number of variables that need
/* to be set:
/* mindepth - the minimum depth of the soil (this is a floor)
/* maxdepth - the maximum depth of the soil (this will never be exceeded)
/* wtslope - the relative weighting for the slope
/* wtsource - the relative weighting for the source area
/* wtelev - the relative weighting for the elevation
/* maxslope - anything greater than this will create the slope function = 1
/* maxsource - anything greater than this will create the source function = 1
/* maxelev - anything greater than this will create the elevation function = 1
/* powslope - raise the slope fraction by this power
/* powsource - raise the source area fraction by this power
/* powelev - raise the elevation fraction by this power
/* the below variables can/should be modified by the user
&args source elev mindepth maxdepth
&type source grid is %source%
&if [show program] ne 'GRID' &then
&return 'This must be launched from GRID'
/* for the skagit I used:
/* &setvar wtslope := 0.7
/* &type %wtslope%
/* &setvar wtsource := 0.0
/* &type %wtsource%
/* &setvar wtelev := 0.3
/* &type %wtelev%
/* &setvar maxslope := 30.
/* &setvar maxsource := 100000
/* &setvar maxelev := 1500
/* &setvar powslope := .25
/* &setvar powsource := 1.
/* &setvar powelev := .75
&setvar wtslope := 0.7
&type %wtslope%
&setvar wtsource := 0.0
&type %wtsource%
&setvar wtelev := 0.3
&type %wtelev%
&setvar maxslope := 30.
&setvar maxsource := 100000
&setvar maxelev := 1500
&setvar powslope := .25
&setvar powsource := 1.
&setvar powelev := .75
&type All values read in
&setvar totalwt := [calc %wtslope% + %wtsource% + %wtelev%]
&type %totalwt%
&if %totalwt% <> 1 &then
&return &inform the weights must add up to 1.
&if [exists soildepth -grid] &then
kill soildepth
setcell %source%
setwindow %source%
&if [exists slopegrid -grid] &then
kill slopegrid
slopegrid = slope (%elev%, degree )
tmpsrc = con ( %source% > %maxsource%, %maxsource%, %source% )
tmpelev = con ( %elev% > %maxelev%, %maxelev%, %elev% )
tmpslope = con ( slopegrid > %maxslope%, %maxslope%, slopegrid )
&if [exists soildepth -grid] &then
kill soildepth
soildepth = %mindepth% + ( %maxdepth% - %mindepth% ) * ~
( ( %wtslope% * ( 1. - pow ( ( tmpslope / %maxslope% ) , %powslope% ) ) ) + ~
( %wtsource% * ( pow ( (tmpsrc / %maxsource% ) , %powsource% ) ) ) + ~
( %wtelev% * ( 1. - pow ( ( tmpelev / %maxelev%) , %powelev% ) ) ) )
kill tmpslope
kill tmpelev
kill tmpsrc

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CB and RS reviewed the soil surveys for the Skagit River Basin.
SURGO Soil surveys covering this area include:

  1. NOCA - WA774
  2. Okanagon - WA749
  3. Lower Skagit - WA657

These surveys are driving the patterns in water table depth via Ksat and f()
Need to capture soil depth in methodology using the aml script shown above.

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oops, didn't mean to close this issue

@RondaStrauch RondaStrauch reopened this Apr 7, 2019
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Why is it not saturated in the same pattern in the Okanogan County? Here is the Ksat parameter that goes into DHSVM and controls saturation during the peak events - this map above is from 2042-6-7-15 the fourth date in the list for CNRM rcp4.5


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ChristinaB commented Apr 16, 2019

The USDA input file plots the polygons inside the triangle for the different texture classes.


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Before talking to Dan - I searched and found this tool that calculates a texture raster from a sand and clay grid:
The rules are from this file:

Should we try to run this? I don't want to deal with the interface...

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NCristea commented Jun 5, 2019

It looks like Rosetta also has an improved version that we could try

More about this version here:

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So, I took a brief look at this and looks like we might be able to either of these methods to convert %sands%clay to soil texture. Unless there is a new tool/method/report I haven't been able to locate, there is another step after texture. We need to take that texture and match to USCS classification. From the USCS class we can use tables to estimate the mean fiction angle. One of the best tables for getting to internal angle of friction is here:
Plus there is a table in LISA here:
This is how I had to do it in the eSurf paper/thesis. Part of the problem is that friction angle depends on compaction, moisture, and organic I think folks tend to be hesitant to put out general numbers.

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I heart soil guesswork. SSURGO does have a lot of the organic matter, moisture, compaction data...I think we need to clone a repo that does most of what we want, and then add on the rest of these steps and make a 'soil processing for landslides' set of Python scripts. Does anyone have strong feelings about the SoilTexture code versus the Rosetta code? especially for the needs as @RondaStrauch has outlined them?

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Proposed simplified soil triangle needed for USC would be

if > 30% Clay = Clay C
else if > 50% Sand = Sand
else Silt

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ChristinaB commented Jun 27, 2019

In the Skagit there is NO
GW (well graded gravel)
SW (well graded sand)


Could have
GP poorly graded gravel
SP poorly graded sand 30-50
GM silty gravel
GC gravely clay
SM sandy silt; fine to coarse sand - 25-44; 27-48; 27-35
SC sandy clay
ML clayey silt (low plasticity silt) 30-45
MH glacial till or alluvium 25- 43; 23-40

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@DanMillerM2 What Phi approaches do you approve of?

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Thoughts from @DanMillerM2 email 7/11/19
Note that this study is focused on shallow landsliding. Deep-seated landsliding is also prevalent within the study area and elsewhere in Washington and, post Oso, there is heightened awareness that deep-seated landslides can also pose significant hazards. But this study will not examine potential effects of climate change on deep-seated landslides.

I'm interested in seeing what the model predicts before spending too much time working on the paper. You are considering two primary factors:

  1. Temporal and spatial changes in extent of soil saturation.
  2. Changes in fire regime.

Using estimated distributions of soil depth and geotechnical properties, can you make a map showing the saturation depth required to trigger landsliding for current landcover and for minimum cohesion following fire?
Then can you show the frequency that the landslide-triggering saturation is reached under current climate? or the frequency that some percentage of that saturation level is reached? I see some sketches that look like frequency distributions in the figures?

Then what happens under predicted future climate, both for current landcover and minimum cohesion?

How well is current fire regime characterized?
Can you incorporate current fire regime into frequency distribution of landslide probability under current climate.
How does future predicted climate affect frequency distribution of landslide probability under current fire regime?
Can climate-change effects on fire regime be estimated?
How sensitive is probability of landsliding to fire regime?

I've found a few studies in my bibliography examining soil strength as a function of soil properties (grain-size distribution, bulk density, liquid limit). I don't think they are particularly useful, other than to show general trends. Soils are very complicated and measured peak and residual strengths depend on the stress trajectory; I have a lot to learn, but I can keep looking for guidance. However, I'm interested in how soil properties affect the modeled frequency distributions. How important is hydraulic conductivity and transmissivity relative to friction angle and cohesion?

The model uses a Monte Carlo simulation to estimate probability of failure given posited frequency distributions of soil parameters and modeled pressure head, right?. So there is no single estimate of saturation depth for failure at any point, but a probability of failure for a specified saturation depth and a probability of that saturation depth being encountered over any period of time. The maps I proposed aren't really feasible.

The sensitivity of the infinite slope equation to perturbations of any single parameter (or sets of parameters) is easy to characterize, but you've now set up a system that is sensitive to upslope topography, upslope soil parameters (depth, porosity, conductivity), upslope vegetation cover, and antecedent weather (if you're using DHSM to estimate soil moisture). And we're interested not just in how probability of failure might change at a single location at a single time, but how the integrated probability over some area and some period of time might change. Given all these potential interactions, the relative importance of each parameter and factor that influences model results might be hard to anticipate. So one approach is to use multiple model runs with one factor changed and see how the results change. And those results are characterized as frequency distributions of probability of failure over some area and some period. For example, a change in the frequency of storms may alter the spatial distribution of predicted failures. How important are soil parameters (friction angle, porosity, conductivity, transmissivity) to the predicted change in spatial distribution? For the most part, we model these as linear systems, so we don't expect any radical responses, but we should check that our intuition is correct. Such analyses are probably beyond the current project scope, but it would be good to set up a modeling platform that allows such analyses.

The textbook "An Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering" by Holtz and Kovacs provides a nice description of factors influencing frictional resistance of non-cohesive soils, which is paraphrased in the Slope Stability Reference Guide for National Forests, volume 2. And I think you've already used the table of values provided in the Lisa model documentation. For a given soil type at low confining pressure (shallow depths), friction angle varies with bulk density (porosity, or void ratio). If you can get estimates of soil type and bulk density (or porosity, or void ratio) from SSURGO, then we could specify a range of friction-angle values. Duncan, Wright, and Brandon (Soil Strength and Slope Stability) give an equation for friction angle as a function of relative density, confining pressure, and grain-size distribution (given as the coefficient of uniformity: the ratio of D60 to D10). Not sure how useful that would be, unless you can get estimates of relative density and coefficient of uniformity from information included in the soils database.

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Response to Dan
Yes, the model uses Monte Carlo to determine a distribution of factor-of-safety values given distributions of soil parameters including soil relative wetness derived from DHSVM depth-to-groundwater table estimation on the most saturated day of the year each year (also a distribution at each 150 m). So this is a conservative situation and instability could occur under less saturated conditions. Slope and soil depth are static at each grid cell where the calculation is being formed and failure is derived from the FS distribution as the number of times FS<=1 out of the number of Monte Carlo simulations.

I believe DHSVM accounts for upslope characteristics when it is estimating a depth to groundwater at each 150m grid cell. We used the same estimated depth distribution for each 30 m DEM cell within the 150 m larger cell. I'm not sure how we can integrate the probability of failure at each grid cell into a larger area of probability and why would we want to aggregate this up to a larger spatial scale, but I might be missing your point. We could do the multiple Monte Carlo runs by reducing the depth to groundwater distribution, say by 10%, to see how the probability of failure changes spatially. This would give an indication of just how conservative this is. We're not changing the frequency of storms, but seeing if a less intense storm also results in substantial hazard. I think our model can accommodate a parameter sensitivity analysis. Part of our approach is to reduce the root cohesion to simulate a post fire landscape and see how the probability of failure changes.

Regarding soil parameters, we can check if SSURGO has soil type and bulk density to see if we can estimate the range of friction angles from the references you provide.

Regarding the spread sheet, yes, SSURGO is the source for the percent sand, silt, and clay as well as soil texture. We use the texture to estimate USC like SW and compared that to the tables 5.4, 5.5 in LISA. We took a mean angle for these classifications.

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@RondaStrauch @DanMillerM2 The table I have output already has the soil texture, but the percent components seem to be more detailed information for our angle parameter estimate. I can get bulk density also, we already have this output from the database as it is a DHSVM input parameter.

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ChristinaB commented Jul 24, 2019

@DanMillerM2 We worked on the soil friction angle today to look how it displays spatially. For our study area, the friction angles are spatially similar but different for regions of the North Cascades.

If you turn on the texture label, you can see that the north eastern portion tends to be gravels and sands, while the tan sections tend to be loams. (zoomed in a bit)


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DanMillerM2 commented Jul 25, 2019 via email

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@DanMillerM2 All good questions, as always. I will export the shapefiles, put them on HydroShare, and you can download them, as well as soil depth and DEM inputs we are planning to use for the Landlab Landslide component. Do you prefer ASCII or shapefiles? We need ASCII as inputs, so maybe I'll just process both and put it all on HydroShare. Other details I should think of while I'm managing the data?

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DanMillerM2 commented Jul 25, 2019 via email

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