Laravel Backend
Creating a User POST /user
"first": "Michael",
"last": "Schuett",
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "supersecret"
Logging in POST /login
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "supersecret"
Check if you are logged in GET /check
Logout of the system GET /logout
Upload file POST /upload
submit file with name file and encoding multipart/form-data.
Sync file GET /sync/{id}
Check Sync process and get info about it GET /check-sync
Check Sync process to see if it's running GET /checkpid
####After Sync has completed.
Getting conversation information
GET /conversation
get's all conversations in the system.
GET /conversation/{id}
get conversation in the system.
Get messages in the system
GET /message?page={?page_number}
Gets 50 messages at a time.
GET /message/{id}
Gets the message based on ID.
GET /message-by-conv/{id}?page={?page_number}
Gets messaged based on the conversation ID.