* The goal of this project is to implement twitter API using WebSharper web framework to implement web socket interface with functionalities
for account registration, subscribing, sedning tweets, unsunscribing, tweets with hashtags, tweets with mentions, hashtag queries, mention queries, re-tweets etc.
The project folder contains: * Program.fs * Startup.fs * Website.fs * TwitterClone.fsproj * WebSocketClient.fs * WebSocketServer.fs
* Extract the contents of the zip file.
* Open the command prompt window for the respective project directory and then go to folder TwitterClone.
* Now run the command : *dotnet build*.
* After it is completed successfully, now run the command : *dotnet run*.
* You must be able to see the application running in the http://localhost:8081.
* We have succesfully implemented WebSocket interface using WebSharper web framework for Twitter Clone.