Smoothing GIS features with B-Splines.
Input formats are WKT and SHP.
Builded on top of Numpy, Scipy, Shapely and Fiona.
$ pip install .
WKT smoothing:
$ geosmoothing_wkt [-h] wkt_string
positional arguments:
wkt_string Input WKT string to smooth
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Shapefile smoothing:
$ geosmoothing_shp [-h] src_file dst_file
positional arguments:
src_file source shapefile path
dst_file destiny shapefile path
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
WKT smoothing:
from geosmoothing.geosmoothing import GeoSmoothing
wkt = "LineString (-5.88785025361041292 36.2403008312793915, -5.94918202938661622 36.05017232637315772, -6.01664698274044163 35.81711157842358517, -5.86945072087755193 35.58405083047400552, -5.40946240255602095 35.52271905469780222, -5.09053716851975935 35.61471671836211073, -5.18253483218406608 35.97044101786408987, -5.44012829044412349 36.27096671916749671, -5.34199744920219644 36.61442466351423519, -4.45268670044723791 36.74935457022188245, -4.4710862331800989 35.92137559724312723, -4.37295539193817184 35.58405083047400552, -4.06629651305715178 35.95817466270885632, -3.94976613908236374 36.29549942947797803, -3.47751146560559299 36.32003213978845935, -3.25058389523363722 36.44882886891848273, -3.46524511045035144 36.76162092537712311, -3.17085258672457204 36.88428447692953682)"
gsm = GeoSmoothing()
res_wkt = gsm.smoothWkt(wkt)
Shapefile smoothing:
from geosmoothing.geosmoothing import GeoSmoothing
src_file = "./data/dem_contours/contour.shp"
dst_file = "/tmp/contour_smt.shp"
gsm = GeoSmoothing()
gsm.smoothShp(src_file, dst_file)
- Numpy:
- Scipy:
- Shapely:
- Fiona:
- GDAL library:
- GEOS library:
Developed by Cayetano Benavent. GIS Analyst at Geographica.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.