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Geowil_Bank Plugin

Version: 2.0.2

Demo Available: Yes,

Project Available: Yes,

Conflicts: Maybe, see Conflicts section

Terms of Use: Free non-commercially or commercially; just give credit

What is this?

This repository is for an RPG Maker MV JS plugin which allows the developer to create a banking system within their game.

Installation Instructions

Download the plugin js file and at least the ButtonSet.png image file. If you want to alter the button set used in this plugin also download the psd file. You must place the image file in the image folder in a folder named 'bank'. Next, place the plugin js file into your plugins folder.

You're done!

How does it work?

It is very simple to use. First you may want to modify some of the plugin settings to set things like if bonds are enabled and the denomination of time to use (Ie. hours, minutes, days). Next, if you do not enable bonds, all you have to do is put plugin commands into events where you want to access the bank(s) from. You can use the same bank across your entire game or have each major location have its own.

The plugin command to open the bank is as follows:

BankOpen <Params>

The indicated the following:

ID:# - Required - Sets the bank id for a new bank or tells the plugin which existing bank to open

IR:# - Optional - Sets the interest rate at the bank. Use this on an existing bank to change the interest rate of that bank

TD:<Seconds,Minutes,Hours,Days> - Optional - Sets the time denomination at which interest compounds. Use this on an existing bank to change the time denomination at that bank

MD:# - Optional - Sets the minimum deposit amount at the bank. Use on an existing bank to change the minimum deposit amount at that bank.

Any params with 'Optional', when not used, will default to whatever you have set in your plugin parameters. The ID: parameter is always required. Some examples:

BankOpen ID:0

BankOpen ID:0 IR:10

BankOpen ID:0 TD:Seconds MD:1000

BankOpen ID:0 IR:15 TD:Minutes MD:15000

Example 1: Opens a bank with plugin paramater defaults for all parameters

Example 2: Opens a bank with a 10% interest rate and everything else defaults

Example 3: Opens a bank with a time denomination of Seconds and a minimum deposit of 1000. Interest rate will be the plugin default

Example 4: Opens a bank with an interest rate of 15%, a time denomination of Minutes, and a minimum deposit of 15,000.

Current Features Overview

Features in V2.0.1

  • Deposit Gold
    • Players are able to deposit gold into the bank. If an interest rate is set then over the specified amount of time units (example hours) that interest rate will be comounded onto the deposited gold. As an example a deposit of 100 gold at a hand with an hourly interest rate of 10% would generate 10 extra gold over 1 hour. If the player returned to that bank after an hour, they will find 110 gold available for withdrawal.
  • Withdraw Gold
    • Players can withdraw any gold they have stored at a bank.
  • Bonds
    • Bonds are another way to allow a player to grow their gold through this plugin. The player buys a bond and then after a set amount of time the bond matures and can be sold for a greater value. The system can be turned on or off from the plugin settings or through a plugin command.
  • Minimum Deposits
    • You can now set a minimum deposit amount that the player must meet to deposit any gold.


There are a total of six plugin parameters to customize the plugin with. I will list them and their functions.

  • Invalid Gold Color
    • Changes the text color on the gold counter when the user attempts to withdraw or deposit more gold that is available.
  • Invalid Bond Color
    • Changes the text color in the Sell Bond selection window for bonds which have not yet matured.
  • Font Size
    • Changes the font size used in the plugin.
  • Gold Counter Button 1 Value
    • Sets the value for the single arrow up/down buttons in the gold counter window when depositing or withdrawing gold as well as the value of the left/right keyboard arrow keys.
  • Gold Counter Button 2 Value
    • Sets the value for the double arrow up/down buttons in the gold counter window when depositing or withdrawing gold as well as the value of the up/down keyboard arrow keys.
  • Add Bond Overwrites
    • Determines if, when adding a bond to a bank, the add bond plugin command will overwrite an existing bond. Some important notes on this in the AddBond plugin command section.
  • Bond System Active
    • Sets the default state of the bond system for each bank when they are created. Use BondSystemEnabled plugin command to enable/disable on a per-bank basis.
  • Time Denomination
    • Sets the default time unit setting for all banks. Use the ChangeTimeUnit plugin command to alter this setting on a per-bank basis. = Default Interest
    • Sets the default interest rate for new banks. When you create a bank without the IR parameter, this value will be used.
  • Minimum Depo
    • Sets the default minimum deposit amount for new banks. When you create a bank without the MD parameter, this value will be used.

###Plugin Commands I have already gone over a few of these but I will include them again here.

Opening Banks

The very first commands you should know about are used to open a bank. These will also create the bank if they do not already exist or update certain values if the bank does exist and they are different.

BankOpen <Params>

The indicated the following:

ID:# - Required - Sets the bank id for a new bank or tells the plugin which existing bank to open

IR:# - Optional - Sets the interest rate at the bank. Use this on an existing bank to change the interest rate of that bank

TD:<Seconds,Minutes,Hours,Days> - Optional - Sets the time denomination at which interest compounds. Use this on an existing bank to change the time denomination at that bank

MD:# - Optional - Sets the minimum deposit amount at the bank. Use on an existing bank to change the minimum deposit amount at that bank.

Any params with 'Optional', when not used, will default to whatever you have set in your plugin parameters. The ID: parameter is always required. Some examples:

BankOpen ID:0

BankOpen ID:0 IR:10

BankOpen ID:0 TD:Seconds MD:1000

BankOpen ID:0 IR:15 TD:Minutes MD:15000

Example 1: Opens a bank with plugin paramater defaults for all parameters

Example 2: Opens a bank with a 10% interest rate and everything else defaults

Example 3: Opens a bank with a time denomination of Seconds and a minimum deposit of 1000. Interest rate will be the plugin default

Example 4: Opens a bank with an interest rate of 15%, a time denomination of Minutes, and a minimum deposit of 15,000.

Adding/Updating Bonds

The next plugin command allows you to create a new bond at the specifid bank:

Bank <BankID> AddBond <BondInfoID> <Bond Name> <Bond Cost> <Bond Matured Value> <Bond Mature Time> <Bond Help Text>

Here is a breakdown of what the options are used for:

- ID for the bank the bond should be added to. - ID for the bond info record at that bank, this ID can be used to later update this specific record. - The name for the bond that will show up in the 'Buy Bond' selection list. - How much it will cost the player to buy the bond. - How much the player will be able to sell the bond for once it has fully matured. - The amount of time it will take for the bond to fully mature. - Sets the help text that will be displayed for the bond in the 'Buy Bond' window.

Example: Bank 0 AddBond 0 Baisc Bond 10 1000 4000 10 This bond will mature after 10 hours.\nGains 20% interest at maturation.

The above example create a new bond information record for bank 0 with the specified values. If you want to update an existing bond at a bank use the below plugin command:

Bank <BankID> UpdateBond <BondInfoID> <Bond Name> <Bond Cost> <Bond Matured Value> <Bond Mature Time> <Bond Help Text>

Example: Bank 0 UpdateBond 0 Baisc Bond 10 2000 8000 10 This bond will mature after 10 hours.\nGains 20% interest at maturation.

The above example modified the bond information record we created with the AddBond example at bank 0.

Changing the Time Denomination

The next plugin command allows you to modify the time denomination at a specified bank:

Bank <BankID> ChangeTimeUnit <TimeUnit>

Example: Bank 0 ChangeTimeUnit Days

Valid input for the option are as follows: Seconds, Minutes, Hours, or Days

Toggle the Bond System

The next plugin command allows you to turn the bond system on or off at the specified bank:

Bank <BankID> BondSystemEnabled 0/1

Example: Bank 2 BondSystemEnabled 0

In the example we have disabled the bond system at bank 2.

Altering the Behavior of AddBond

This plugin command allows you to change how AddBond works. When used it will make AddBond overwrite any existing bond with the same BondInfoID at any bank you specify. This is a global setting change so you will need to call the opposite option to disable it to return AddBond to the normal behavior of ignoring existing bonds.

Bank AddOverwrites On/Off

Example: Bank AddOverwrites Off

Planned Features

  • Stocks


Right know there are no known conflicts however anything that aliases or modifies the following functions may conflict with this plugin without proper integration measures:

  • DataManager.createGameObjects
  • DataManager.createSaveContents
  • DataManager.extractSaveContents
  • Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand

Version Changelogs

  • Version 2.0.2 Changelog:

    • Fixed an issue where any plugin command called would trigger the Bank scene to open. (BreakerZero)
  • Version 2.0.1 Changelog:

    • Fixed a potential menu hang due to an invalid selection index.
    • Updated the plugin button image to include a cancel button.
    • Added a plugin parameter to control the font size used in the plugin
    • Changed the BankOpen plugin command to be used with any number of parameters.
    • Added a cancel button to the widthdraw and deposit windows.
    • Added a minimum deposit feature.
    • Added plugin parameters to set the default interest rate and minimum deposit values.
  • Version 1.1.1 Changelog:

    • Fixed an issue where some plugin parameters might not have been working properly.
  • Version 1.0.1 Changelog:

    • Fixed an issue with the demo that caused the custom gold changer buttons to not render.
  • Version 1.0.0 Changelog:

    • Initial version of plugin uploaded?


My second RMXP to RMMV conversion plugin.






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