The goal of this project is to implement a process to prepare references for assessment in a literature review or other literature assessment activity. Two companies provide data on references – Clarivate Analytics ( owns and/or manages the various databases under the World of Knowledge name (WOS, BIOABS, BCI, CABI, CCC, DRCI, DIIDW, FSTA, KJD, MEDLINE, RSCI, SCIELO, ZOOREC) and Elsevier owns the SCOPUS database ( Academic and other institutions license access to these data bases at varying levels of detail.
Each allows the user to construct queries that include search terms (climate change, crop, etc) and constrain the searches in a variety of ways (AND, OR, PY = 2014-2019). The queries are similar enough that one basic query structure can be used, with modification, for both databases. Both allow the user to construct a general query and then use a second or third query on results from the general query.
While there is significant overlap between the two, there are also significant numbers of references that only show up in one or the other.
The basic workflow is to read in a list of queries from a spreadsheet (queries.wxls) in the data-raw directory, access the WOK data base to determine how many records are available, limit the download process to those queries with less than 2,000 records (currently), create a SCOPUS query, download results from both WOK and SCOPUS, delete references in the WOK data that are also in SCOPUS based on a comparison of DOI and EISSN values), produce a spreadsheet that has metadata for the process and the reference data with some added subsetting columns, and create a .bib file from the references with DOIs.
Access to either database requires either an API key, a request from an institutional IP address or both. Please email [email protected] for a discussion of how to set this up for the access your institution has.