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A Create-React-App version of the default data catalog fronted for DKAN

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Data Catalog App

The React frontend is built with Vite.

This is a REACT frontend designed to utilize the latest stable version of DKAN 2.x as a backend.

This application serves as a starter app, or example of how to use the data-catalog-components library to easily create open data catalogs.


  • Node ^16

Auto Set Up within a DKAN site

  1. Follow the DKAN DDEV add-on steps for starting a new project.

Manual Set Up in a DKAN site

If you have a backend already running and just need the frontend:

  1. Clone this repository in your docroot git clone frontend. The DKAN DDEV add-on is structured to run commands in a folder named frontend so frontend repos could be swapped if needed.
  2. Install the dependencies with npm:
    1. cd frontend
    2. npm install or yarn install
  3. Run the server: npm start or yarn start
    1. Your site is now running at http://localhost:3000
  4. Build the public files npm run build
  5. To complete the setup like the auto setup, setup the DKAN JS Frontend module that comes with the DKAN core installation. Steps can be found here: DKAN JS Frontend Module.

Set up of an independent front-end (with no backend)

  1. Run npm install
  2. Run npm run start to view the app in development mode at localhost:3000.

Structure of the app

This is meant to be a blueprint for your frontend, from which you can make minor color and logo changes or major component or page layout customizations.

├── cypress           # Integration tests
├── build             # The output of the build process
├── public            # Base files that the app builds with
├── src               # This directory will contain all of the source code
|   ├── assets        # Place to store images and content/config files
|   ├── components    # Configure your page structure with the layout component
│   ├── pages         # Components in this directory become pages automatically with paths based on their file name
│   ├── services      # Provides the connections to the backend api
|   └── templates     # Ideas for how to assemble components to display the data
│   └── theme         # Add custom fonts, colors, and css here
├── package.json      # App dependencies

Basic Customizations

  • Edit the src/assets/config.json file to change the site title, slogan, logo, and container class.
  • Edit the src/theme/styles/_variables.scss file to change the colors and fonts of your site.
  • Add custom .scss files to src/theme/styles/ to override the default css classes with your new color variables and other changes.
  • Import your .scss files to src/theme/styles/index.scss

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm run start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.

npm run test

Launches vitest and runs any found test files. The demo app does not currently contain any Vitest / Jest tests.

npm run build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.

npm run preview

Runs the React site in production mode, independently from drupal.

Running Cypress Tests

To run Cypress tests on a local React-only install of this repo, ensure the app is running at localhost:3000. In a separate terminal, use npx cypress run --config baseUrl="http://localhost:3000".

If the frontend is installed within a DKAN site, navigate to the frontend folder containing your installation of this repo. Ensure your full site is running, and take note of its URL (, where PROJECT_NAME is variable. Run tests using npx cypress run --config baseUrl="YOUR_DDEV_URL", using your project URL for the baseUrl argument