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File metadata and controls

640 lines (503 loc) · 44.9 KB

API Reference


Contains methods for configuring basic parameters, such as API keys.

</> configure: void configure({required String apiKey, bool verificationMode = false})

Configure basic settings of GIPHY SDK.


Option Description Type Default Platform
apiKey Android or iOS SDK key. Please remember, you should use a separate key for every platform (Android, iOS) you add our SDKs to. string None ✅ Android
✅ iOS
videoCacheMaxBytes A number that defines the video cache size for ExoPlayer on the Android platform.
Note: If videoCacheMaxBytes is 0, the cache initialization will be skipped, and Giphy Clips will not work. You may want to skip this setting if you use another version of ExoPlayer that is not compatible with the Giphy SDK but still wish to receive gifs from Giphy.
double 100 * 1024 * 1024 ✅ Android
❌ iOS


import 'package:giphy_flutter_sdk/giphy_flutter_sdk.dart';

String? apiKey;
if (Platform.isAndroid) {
  apiKey = '*************'; // Android SDK key
} else if (Platform.isIOS) {
  apiKey = '*************'; // iOS SDK key
} else {
  throw Exception('Unsupported platform');
if (apiKey.isEmpty) {
  throw Exception('API key for the platform is null or not configured');
GiphyFlutterSDK.configure(apiKey: apiKey);


Singleton, which provides pre-built templates that handle the entirety of the GIPHY experience.

</> configure: configure({GiphySettings? settings}

Configure the GiphyDialog view and behavior.


Option Description Type Default Platform
clipsPreviewRenditionType Certain renditions (cases of the GiphyRendition enum) are not available for Clips. As a result, if you set the renditionType property of the GiphyDialog to an unsupported rendition type, clips previews may not play back correctly in the grid. To account for this limitation, we created this property specifically to work with clips. GiphyClipsRendition .FixedWidth ✅ Android
✅ iOS
confirmationRenditionType A rendition type for the confirmation screen. GiphyRendition .Original ✅ Android
❌ iOS
enableDynamicText Allows to create animated text results for search queries where there are no matching results in GIPHY's library. Learn more bool false ✅ Android
✅ iOS
fileFormat A file format for the grid. GiphyFileFormat .webp ✅ Android
✅ iOS
mediaTypeConfig Type(s) of content to be displayed in the dialog.
Note: Emoji only is not available for the carousel layout option.
Expand[.recents, .gif, .sticker, .text, .emoji]
✅ Android
✅ iOS
rating A specific content rating for the search results. GiphyRating .pg13 ✅ Android
✅ iOS
renditionType A rendition type for the grid. GiphyRendition .fixedWidth ✅ Android
✅ iOS
selectedContentType The default Giphy Content-Type. GiphyContentType .gif ✅ Android
✅ iOS
showCheckeredBackground Enable/disable the checkered background for stickers and text media type. bool false ✅ Android
❌ iOS
showConfirmationScreen Show a secondary confirmation screen when the user taps a GIF, which shows a larger rendition of the asset. This confirmation screen is only available for GiphyDirection.vertical mode - this property will be ignored if the layout is GiphyDirection.horizontal. bool false ✅ Android
✅ iOS
showSuggestionsBar Show/hide a suggestions bar. bool true ✅ Android
❌ iOS
stickerColumnCount For carousel layouts, we provide the option to set the number of columns for stickers and text. We recommend using 3 columns for blurred mode. int 3 ✅ Android
✅ iOS
theme Adjust the GiphyDialog theme GiphyTheme .automatic ✅ Android
✅ iOS

</> show: void show()

Show the Giphy Dialog.

</> hide: void hide()

Hide the Giphy Dialog.

Supported events 🔔

The GiphyMediaSelectionListener is an abstract class designed to handle events from the Giphy dialog. To use GiphyMediaSelectionListener, implement this abstract class in your widget state. The implementation requires defining two methods:

  • onMediaSelect void onMediaSelect(GiphyMedia media)
  • onDismiss void onDismiss()

which handle media selection and dialog dismissal, respectively.


import 'dart:io';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:giphy_flutter_sdk/dto/giphy_media.dart';
import 'package:giphy_flutter_sdk/giphy_dialog.dart';
import 'package:giphy_flutter_sdk/giphy_flutter_sdk.dart';
import 'config.dart' as config;

void main() {
  runApp(const MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
  const MyApp({super.key});

  State<MyApp> createState() => _MyAppState();

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> implements GiphyMediaSelectionListener {
  void initState() {

  void dispose() {

  void initPlatformState() {
    try {
      String? apiKey;
      if (Platform.isAndroid) {
        apiKey = config.androidGiphyApiKey;
      } else if (Platform.isIOS) {
        apiKey = config.iOSGiphyApiKey;
      } else {
        throw Exception('Unsupported platform');
      if (apiKey.isEmpty) {
        throw Exception('API key for the platform is null or not configured');
      GiphyFlutterSDK.configure(apiKey: apiKey);
    } catch (e) {

  final List<GiphyMedia> _mediaList = [];

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
        home: Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: const Text('Giphy Media Selection'),
      body: ListView.builder(
        itemCount: _mediaList.length + 1,
        itemBuilder: (context, index) {
          if (index == 0) {
            return ListTile(
              title: const Text('Show Dialog'),
              onTap: () {
          final mediaIndex = index - 1;
          return Image(
              image: NetworkImage(

  void _showGiphyDialog() {;

  void onMediaSelect(GiphyMedia media) {
    setState(() {
      _mediaList.insert(0, media);

  void onDismiss() {
    print("Giphy dialog dismissed");


On Android, the dialog requires using FlutterFragmentActivity. In your project's MainActivity, which is in the android folder, you'll need to replace:


class MainActivity: FlutterActivity()



class MainActivity: FlutterFragmentActivity()


Designed to render GiphyMedia objects.


Prop Description Type Default Platform
autoPlay A boolean flag indicating whether or not the animation should start automatically when mounted. bool true ✅ Android
✅ iOS
media Pass a GiphyMedia object to display content. GiphyMedia null ✅ Android
✅ iOS
mediaId Pass a GiphyMedia object ID to display content. String null ✅ Android
✅ iOS
renditionType A rendition type for the view. GiphyRendition .fixedWidth ✅ Android
✅ iOS
resizeMode Determines how to resize the image when the frame doesn't match the raw image dimensions. GiphyResizeMode .Cover ✅ Android
✅ iOS
showCheckeredBackground Enable/disable the checkered background for stickers and text media type. bool true ✅ Android
❌ iOS
onError A callback function that will be called when an error occurs whilst attempting to render media. Function(String description)? onError null ✅ Android
✅ iOS

Methods (Imperative API)

GiphyMediaView widget is controlled via the controller: an instance of GiphyMediaViewController.

Method Description Type Platform
pause Pauses the animation. Future<void> ✅ Android
✅ iOS
resume Resumes the paused animation. Future<void> ✅ Android
✅ iOS

⚠️ GiphyMediaView and GIPHY Animated Text

If you use GIPHY Animated Text in your integration (media.isDynamic == true), please note that GiphyMediaView does not support it. For more information, please refer to this article.


  • Basic usage

You can update the example above

  aspectRatio: _mediaList[mediaIndex].aspectRatio,
  child: GiphyMediaView(
    media: _mediaList[mediaIndex],
    autoPlay: true,
    renditionType: GiphyRendition.fixedWidth));
  • Imperative API
class GiphyMediaScreen extends StatefulWidget {
  const GiphyMediaScreen({super.key});

  _GiphyMediaScreenState createState() => _GiphyMediaScreenState();

class _GiphyMediaScreenState extends State<GiphyMediaScreen> {
  GiphyMediaViewController? controller;

  void initState() {
    controller = GiphyMediaViewController();

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Center(
      child: Column(
        mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
        children: [
            children: [
                onPressed: () {
                child: const Text('Pause'),
              const SizedBox(width: 10),
                onPressed: () {
                child: const Text('Resume'),
              aspectRatio: 1,
              child: GiphyMediaView(
                controller: controller,
                mediaId: 'CnLRoQneO2kWHuRg7g',
                autoPlay: true,
                resizeMode: GiphyResizeMode.contain,


Note: If you use GIPHY Clips on the Android platform, you need to set up clips integration before working with the GiphyVideoView component.

Similar to the GiphyMediaView which works for GIFs, Stickers, and Text, the GiphyVideoView is a component that makes it easy to play back GiphyMedia clips video assets. The GiphyVideoView will only work for GiphyMedia where the isVideo property is true.

Note: GiphyVideoView has no advanced features for playback, volume, and buffering control. If you need some advanced features, you can easily integrate clips with other more advanced video players.


Prop Description Type Default Platform
autoPlay Set it to true to start the video automatically. bool false ✅ Android
✅ iOS
media Pass a GiphyMedia object to display content. GiphyMedia None ✅ Android
✅ iOS
mediaId Pass a GiphyMedia object ID to display content. String None ✅ Android
✅ iOS
muted Set to true or false to mute or unmute the player. bool false ✅ Android
✅ iOS
onError A callback function that will be called when an error occurs whilst attempting to play media. Function(String description)? onError null ✅ Android
✅ iOS
onMute A callback function that will be called when media is muted. Function()? onMute null ✅ Android
✅ iOS
onPlaybackStateChanged A callback function that will be called when playback state changes. Function(GiphyVideoViewPlaybackState state)? onPlaybackStateChanged null ✅ Android
✅ iOS
onUnmute A callback function that will be called when media is unmuted. Function()? onUnmute null ✅ Android
✅ iOS


child: AspectRatio(
  aspectRatio: _mediaList[index].aspectRatio,
  child: _mediaList[index].isVideo
      ? GiphyVideoView(
          media: _mediaList[index],
          autoPlay: true,
          muted: false,
      : _GiphyMediaView(
          media: _mediaList[index],
          autoPlay: true,
          renditionType: GiphyRendition.fixedWidth,


The module that allows you to control GiphyVideoView players.

</> muteAll: void muteAll()

Mute active GiphyVideoView player.

</> pauseAll: void pauseAll()

Pause active GiphyVideoView player.

</> resume: void resume()

Resume the playback.




Customizable implementation of a Giphy Grid only.


Prop Description Type Default Platform
cellPadding Spacing between rendered GIFs. double
Note: On iOS, only values between 0 and 11 inclusive are supported.
0 ✅ Android
✅ iOS
clipsPreviewRenditionType Certain renditions (cases of the GiphyRendition enum) are not available for Clips. As a result, if you set the renditionType property of the GiphyGridView to an unsupported rendition type, clips previews may not play back correctly in the grid. To account for this limitation, we created this property specifically to work with clips. GiphyClipsRendition .fixedWidth ✅ Android
✅ iOS
content A GiphyContentRequest object describing a content request to the Giphy API. GiphyContentRequest None ✅ Android
✅ iOS
disableEmojiVariations If true, the emoji variations drawer is not rendered. bool false ✅ Android
✅ iOS
fixedSizeCells Display content in equally sized cells (for stickers only). bool false ✅ Android
✅ iOS
onContentUpdate A callback function that will be called when a content is updated. Function(int resultCount)? onContentUpdate null ✅ Android
✅ iOS
onMediaSelect A callback function that will be called when a media is selected. Function(GiphyMedia media)? onMediaSelect null ✅ Android
✅ iOS
onScroll A callback function that will be called when a grid is being scrolled. Function(double offset)? onScroll null ✅ Android
✅ iOS
orientation Tells the scroll direction of the grid. (e.g. GiphyDirection.horizontal, GiphyDirection.vertical) GiphyDirection .vertical ✅ Android
✅ iOS
renditionType A rendition type for the grid. GiphyRendition .fixedWidth ✅ Android
✅ iOS
spanCount Number of lanes in the grid. int Depends on orientation and content type ✅ Android
✅ iOS
showCheckeredBackground Show/Hide checkered background for stickers in the grid. bool false ✅ Android
❌ iOS
theme Adjust the GiphyGridView theme GiphyTheme .automatic ✅ Android
✅ iOS


class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
  void initState() {
    GiphyFlutterSDK.configure(apiKey: '*************');

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
        home: Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: const Text('Giphy example app'),
        backgroundColor: Colors.white,
      body: Column(children: <Widget>[
          child: GiphyGridView(
            content: const GiphyContentRequest(
                mediaType: GiphyMediaType.gif,
                searchQuery: "cat"),
            onMediaSelect: (GiphyMedia media) {
              print("Selected media:${}");


Provides methods to describe a content request to the Giphy API.

</> search:{required GiphyMediaType mediaType, GiphyRating rating = GiphyRating.pg13, required String searchQuery})


Option Description Type Default Platform
mediaType A media type that should be loaded (e.g. GiphyMediaType.gif) GiphyMediaType .gif ✅ Android
✅ iOS
rating Filter query results by specific content rating GiphyRating .pg13 ✅ Android
✅ iOS
searchQuery A custom search input (e.g. cats) String null ✅ Android
✅ iOS

</> trending: GiphyContentRequest.trending({required GiphyMediaType mediaType,GiphyRating rating = GiphyRating.pg13})


Option Description Type Default Platform
mediaType A media type that should be loaded (e.g. GiphyMediaType.gif) GiphyMediaType .gif ✅ Android
✅ iOS
rating Filter query results by specific content rating GiphyRating .pg13 ✅ Android
✅ iOS

</> trendingGifs: GiphyContentRequest.trendingGifs({GiphyRating rating = GiphyRating.pg13})


Option Description Type Default Platform
rating Filter query results by specific content rating GiphyRating .pg13 ✅ Android
✅ iOS

</> trendingStickers: GiphyContentRequest.trendingStickers({GiphyRating rating = GiphyRating.pg13})


Option Description Type Default Platform
rating Filter query results by specific content rating GiphyRating .pg13 ✅ Android
✅ iOS

</> trendingText: GiphyContentRequest.trendingText({GiphyRating rating = GiphyRating.pg13})


Option Description Type Default Platform
rating Filter query results by specific content rating GiphyRating .pg13 ✅ Android
✅ iOS

</> recents: GiphyContentRequest.recents()


GIFs that are selected by the user are automatically added to the recents tab, which is only displayed if the user has previously picked a gif.

Users can remove gifs from recents with a long-press on the GIF in the recents grid.

</> emoji: GiphyContentRequest.emoji()

</> animate: GiphyContentRequest.animate(String input)


Option Description Type Default Platform
input A custom search input (e.g. cats) String None ✅ Android
✅ iOS

Learn more


class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
  void initState() {
    GiphyFlutterSDK.configure(apiKey: '*************');

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
        home: Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: const Text('Giphy example app'),
        backgroundColor: Colors.white,
      body: Column(children: <Widget>[
          child: GiphyGridView(
            content: GiphyContentRequest.trendingGifs(),
            onMediaSelect: (GiphyMedia media) {
              print("Selected media:${}");


The GIPHY SDK offers three pre-defined themes presets:

  • automatic
  • dark
  • light


// Configure API keys
GiphyFlutterSDK.configure(apiKey: '*************');

// Adjust GiphyDialog theme
GiphySettings _settings = const GiphySettings();
        .configure(settings: _settings.copyWith(theme: GiphyTheme.dark()));

// Adjust GiphyGridView theme
  content: GiphyContentRequest.trendingStickers(),
  theme: GiphyTheme.dark()

To achieve more extensive customization, you can extend any preset and override specific settings according to your requirements. The theme schemas can be found at the following links:


final GiphyTheme _theme = GiphyTheme.fromPreset(
  preset: GiphyThemePreset.dark,
  backgroundColor: const Color(0xFF373d48),
  defaultTextColor: const Color(0xFFB0BEC5));

// Configure API keys
GiphyFlutterSDK.configure(apiKey: '*************');

// Adjust GiphyDialog theme
GiphySettings _settings = const GiphySettings();
  .configure(settings: _settings.copyWith(theme: _theme));

// Adjust GiphyGridView theme
  content: GiphyContentRequest.trendingStickers(),
  theme: _theme

Theme Options

Option Type Platform
avatarPlaceholderColor Color ❌ Android
✅ iOS
backgroundColor Color ✅ Android
✅ iOS
backgroundColorForLoadingCells Color ❌ Android
✅ iOS
cellCornerRadius double ❌ Android
✅ iOS
confirmationBackButtonColor Color ✅ Android
✅ iOS
confirmationSelectButtonColor Color ✅ Android
✅ iOS
confirmationSelectButtonTextColor Color ✅ Android
✅ iOS
confirmationViewOnGiphyColor Color ✅ Android
✅ iOS
defaultTextColor Color ✅ Android
✅ iOS
dialogOverlayBackgroundColor Color ✅ Android
❌ iOS
emojiDrawerGradientBottomColor Color ✅ Android
✅ iOS
emojiDrawerGradientTopColor Color ✅ Android
✅ iOS
emojiDrawerScrollIndicatorStyle IndicatorStyle ❌ Android
✅ iOS
emojiDrawerSeparatorColor Color ✅ Android
✅ iOS
fixedSizeCells bool ❌ Android
✅ iOS
handleBarColor Color ✅ Android
✅ iOS
keyboardAppearance GiphyKeyboardAppearance ❌ Android
✅ iOS
preset GiphyThemePreset ✅ Android
✅ iOS
retryButtonBackgroundColor Color ✅ Android
❌ iOS
retryButtonTextColor Color ✅ Android
❌ iOS
searchBackButtonColor Color ✅ Android
✅ iOS
searchBarBackgroundColor Color ✅ Android
✅ iOS
searchBarCornerRadius double ❌ Android
✅ iOS
searchBarPadding double ❌ Android
✅ iOS
searchPlaceholderTextColor Color ✅ Android
✅ iOS
searchTextColor Color ✅ Android
✅ iOS
showSuggestionsBar bool ❌ Android
✅ iOS
stickerBackgroundColor Color ❌ Android
✅ iOS
suggestionCellBackgroundColor Color ✅ Android
✅ iOS
suggestionCellTextColor Color ✅ Android
✅ iOS
tabBarBackgroundAlpha number ❌ Android
✅ iOS
tabBarSwitchDefaultColor Color ✅ Android
✅ iOS
tabBarSwitchSelectedColor Color ✅ Android
✅ iOS
usernameColor Color ✅ Android
✅ iOS