an open-source RPG discord bot
Just Click here to invite Tet to your server.
The default prefix is '.', to get help type '.help'
Command | Alias | Arguments | Description | Permission |
Help | help, commands, ajuda, comandos | Show all commands you can execute | None | |
Dice | roll, dice, rolar, dado, 🎲 | [Dice operation](Send a dice equation, like: "3d20+4", will roll 3 d20 and add 4) | Roll a dice, with operations | None |
TTS | tts | [on|off] | Turn on or off the TTS in your voice channel, will narrate dice and others commands | ADMINISTRATOR |
Say | say, voice, falar, voz | [Message] | Say the message in voice, but only if TTS is on | SEND_TTS_MESSAGES |
Change Language | lang, language, linguagem, idioma | [Avalable Languages](pt-br|en-us) | Change the bot language in your server | ADMINISTRATOR |
You can display dice results in your livestream using Tet Stream System, just use the following URL: server id)
//or you can make for each player server id)&userId=(user id)
Submit your PR to help us be better, even if it's minor changes, don't be afraid to understand the code Click Here to access the wiki!
Help us and translate Tet to your language, just go to folder 'lang' and create a json to your language, like 'pt-BR.json' translate the sentences and submit your PR.