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HDF5 I/O Test


This is a simple I/O performance tester for HDF5. (See also ADIOS IOTEST.) Its purpose is to assess the performance variability of a set of logically equivalent HDF5 representations of a common pattern. The test repeatedly writes (and reads) in parallel a set of 2D array variables in a tiled fashion, over a set of “time steps.” A schematic is shown below.


A configuration file (see below) is used to control parameters such as the number of steps, the count and shape of the 2D array variables, etc. (See section sec:parameters.) The test then uses between 48 and 192 different combinations of up to 7 internal parameters (see section sec:internal-parameters) to configure the HDF5 library and output, to perform write and read operations, and to report certain timings. (The number of combinations is different for sequential and parallel runs, and depends on other choices.)

For a baseline, this test can (and should!) be run with a single MPI process using the POSIX, core, and MPI-IO VFDs. Typically, each baseline variant covers a different aspect of the underlying system, its configuration, and the particular HDF5 library version. Doing MPI-parallel runs without this baseline is the proverbial “getting off on the wrong foot.”


While it can be built manually, we recommend building hdf5_iotest from Spack.

  1. Create a new Spack package
    spack create --name hdf5iotest

    This creates a boilerplate file, which we’ll need to edit.

  2. Edit the freshly minted via
    spack edit hdf5iotest
     should look like this:

    # Copyright 2013-2020 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
    # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
    # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
    from spack import *
    class Hdf5iotest(AutotoolsPackage):
        A simple I/O performance test for HDF5.
        Run with 'hdf5_iotest <INI file>'. A sample INI file called
        hdf5_iotest.ini can be found in the share/hdf5-iotest subdirectory.
        It is recommended to run multiple configurations. The
        script in share/hdf5-iotest creates 24 "standard" parameter cominations.
        homepage = ""
        git      = ""
        maintainers = ['gheber']
        version('master', branch='master')
        depends_on('autoconf', type='build')
        depends_on('automake', type='build')
        depends_on('libtool',  type='build')
        depends_on('m4',       type='build')
        def configure_args(self):
            args = []
            if "+gperftools" not in self.spec:
                args += ["--enable-gperftools"]
            return args
        def test(self):
  3. Show the explicit dependency configuration (libraries, versions, compiler, architecture, etc. ) via
    spack spec hdf5iotest

    Sample output can be found in the appendix.

  4. Install the hdf5iotest package and all dependencies
    spack install hdf5iotest

Installation w/o Spack

You need a working installation of parallel HDF5 (which depends on MPI).

CC=h5pcc ./configure --prefix=<installation directory>
make install


hdf5_iotest accepts a single argument, the name of a configuration file. If no configuration file name is provided, it looks for a configuration named hdf5_iotest.ini in the current working directory.

hdf5_iotest [INI file]

The configuration file syntax is shown below:


A complete configuration can be found here.

Custom Settings

Rather than modifying the [DEFAULT] section, we recommend that testers create a new section, e.g., [CUSTOM], and overwrite the default values as needed.



Any parameter specified in the [CUSTOM] section overwrites its [DEFAULT] counterpart.


The following configuration parameters are supported.

The HDF5 I/O test configuration version
version = 0

Currently, 0 is the only valid version.

The number of steps or repetitions, a positive integer.
steps = 20
Number of 2D Array Variables
The number of 2D array variables to be written, a positive integer.
arrays = 500
Array Rows
HDF5 I/O test can be run in strong or weak scaling mode (see below). For strong scaling, this is the total number (across all MPI ranks) of rows of each 2D array variable. For weak scaling, this is the number of rows per MPI process per 2D array variable.
rows = 100
Array Columns
HDF5 I/O test can be run in strong or weak scaling mode (see below). For strong scaling, this is the total number (across all MPI ranks) of columns of each 2D array variable. For weak scaling, this is the number of columns per MPI process per 2D array variable.
columns = 200
Number of MPI Process Rows
HDF5 I/O test is run over a logical 2D grid of MPI processes. This is the number of MPI process rows.
process-rows = 1

For strong scaling, the rows must be divisible by process-rows.

Number of MPI Process Columns
HDF5 I/O test is run over a logical 2D grid of MPI processes. This is the number of MPI process columns.
process-columns = 1

For strong scaling, the columns parameter must be divisible by process-columns.

HDF5 I/O test can be run with strong or weak scaling. In strong scaling mode, the total amount of data written and read is independent of the number of MPI processes, i.e., the per process I/O share diminishes with an increase in the number of I/O processes. In weak scaling mode, the amount of data written and read by each MPI-process is kept constant, and the total I/O increases with the number of MPI processes.
# [weak, strong]
scaling = weak
Alignment Increment
Align HDF5 objects greater than or equal to an alignment threshold on addresses which are a multiple of this increment.
# align along increment [bytes] boundaries
alignment-increment = 1

By default, there are no alignment restrictions in effect, and only increments greater than 1 have any effect.

Alignment Threshold
The minimum object size (in bytes) for which alignment constraints will be enforced. A threshold of 0 forces everything to be aligned.
# minimum object size [bytes] to force alignment (0=all objects)
alignment-threshold = 0
Meta Block Size
The minimum size of metadata block allocations when H5FD_FEAT_AGGREGATE_METADATA is set by a VFL driver.
# minimum metadata block allocation size in [bytes]
meta-block-size = 2048

Setting the value to 0 with this function will turn off metadata aggregation, even if the VFL driver attempts to use the metadata aggregation strategy.

The POSIX, core, and MPI-IO VFDs all support metadata allocation aggregation.

Single Process I/O
The I/O driver or mode to be used when running with a single process.
# [posix, core, mpi-io-uni]
single-process = posix

This setting is important when establishing a single-process baseline. posix uses the default POSIX VFD. core uses a memory-backed HDF5 file where the underlying memory buffer grows in 64 MB increments. mpi-io-uni uses the MPI-IO VFD (with a single process).

HDF5 Output File Name
The default HDF5 output file name is hdf5_iotest.h5. Use this parameter to select a different name. Note: The character “#” in the filename is reserved for creating an HDF5 with the “#” replaced with the accumulated case number, for example hdf5_iotest.#.h5.
hdf5-file = hdf5_iotest.h5
Results File
When running the HDF5 I/O test, certain metrics are printed to stdout. To simplify the analysis of results from multiple runs, they are also written to a CSV file whose name is configurable.
csv-file = hdf5_iotest.csv
The simulations will resume from (and including) the last successful entry in the result’s CSV file. A value of 1 indicates a restart run, and 0 is no restart. If the keyword is not present, the default is not a restart.
# [0, 1]
restart = 1
The split I/O driver will be used [1]. Zero indicates to not use the split file diriver, default.
# [0, 1]
split = 1
The simulation will run only one case in the parameter space. A value not equal to 0 indicates which parameter case to run, and the value is a cumulative counter of the nested loops over the parameter space. For example, to rerun the 100th case in the CSV file, the value would be 100. If the keyword is not present, the default is to do all the cases.
# case number in the parameter space to run.
one-case = 100
Specifies the compression filter for chunked datasets and currently supports gzip and szip. The value corresponds to parameters in the corresponding HDF5 API. Valid parameters for ”gzip” is an integer for the level (see H5Pset_deflate). For ”szip” value is options_mask, and pixels_per_block (see H5Pset_szip).
# compression filter (gzip, szip).
Specifies calling the async APIs (requires HDF5 version > 1.12) and ASYNC VOL
# enable async [0 - no, 1 - yes]
async = 1
Add a delay between time steps. Helpful in simulating a computing phase when doing async I/O.
# delay in the form of an integer and time unit second 's 'or milliseconds 'ms'
delay = 1s

Internal Parameters<sec:internal-parameters>

Currently, the I/O test varies the following parameters:

Dataset Rank
The 2D array variables can be stored individually, or embedded into 3D or 4D datasets. In other words, the rank can be 2, 3, or 4.
Slowest Dimension
The slowest dimension can be array (count) or time.
Initialization with Fill Values
The default behavior of the HDF5 library is to initialize storage with the default or a user-specified fill value. This incurs additional I/O and may reduce performance.
Storage Layout
The dataset storage layout in the HDF5 file can be chunked or contiguous (or compact or virtual or user-defined).
HDF5 objects greater than or equal to an alignment threshold can be aligned on addresses that are a multiple of a certain increment.
Lower Library Version Bound
The HDF5 library can be configured to use the earliest or latest available file format micro-versions when generating objects.
MPI I/O Operations
With MPI, the write and read operations can be collective or independent.

Since there is no shortage of knobs in the HDF5 API, other parameters might be added in the future.

Appendix <sec:appendix>

Sample spack spec hdf5iotest output <sec:spack-spec-out>

==> Using specified package name: 'hdf5iotest'
==> Created template for hdf5iotest package
==> Created package file: /home/gerdheber/GitHub/spack/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/hdf5iotest/
Waiting for Emacs...
% spack spec hdf5iotest
Input spec

hdf5iotest@spack%[email protected] arch=linux-debian10-skylake
 ^[email protected]%[email protected] arch=linux-debian10-skylake
     ^[email protected]%[email protected]+sigsegv patches=3877ab548f88597ab2327a2230ee048d2d07ace1062efe81fc92e91b7f39cd00,fc9b61654a3ba1a8d6cd78ce087e7c96366c290bc8d2c299f09828d793b853c8 arch=linux-debian10-skylake
         ^[email protected]%[email protected] arch=linux-debian10-skylake
     ^[email protected]%[email protected]+cpanm+shared+threads arch=linux-debian10-skylake
         ^[email protected]%[email protected] arch=linux-debian10-skylake
         ^[email protected]%[email protected] arch=linux-debian10-skylake
             ^[email protected]%[email protected] arch=linux-debian10-skylake
                 ^[email protected]%[email protected]~symlinks+termlib arch=linux-debian10-skylake
                     ^[email protected]%[email protected] arch=linux-debian10-skylake
 ^[email protected]%[email protected] arch=linux-debian10-skylake
 ^[email protected]%[email protected]~cxx~debug~fortran~hl~java+mpi+pic+shared~szip~threadsafe api=none arch=linux-debian10-skylake
     ^[email protected]%[email protected]~atomics~cuda~cxx~cxx_exceptions+gpfs~java~legacylaunchers~lustre~memchecker~pmi~singularity~sqlite3+static~thread_multiple+vt+wrapper-rpath fabrics=none schedulers=none arch=linux-debian10-skylake
         ^[email protected]%[email protected]~cairo~cuda~gl~libudev+libxml2~netloc~nvml+pci+shared arch=linux-debian10-skylake
             ^[email protected]%[email protected] arch=linux-debian10-skylake
                 ^[email protected]%[email protected] arch=linux-debian10-skylake
                 ^[email protected]%[email protected] arch=linux-debian10-skylake
             ^[email protected]%[email protected]~python arch=linux-debian10-skylake
                 ^[email protected]%[email protected] arch=linux-debian10-skylake
                 ^[email protected]%[email protected]~pic arch=linux-debian10-skylake
                 ^[email protected]%[email protected]+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-debian10-skylake
         ^[email protected]%[email protected] patches=4e1d78cbbb85de625bad28705e748856033eaafab92a66dffd383a3d7e00cc94 arch=linux-debian10-skylake

Sample CSV Output

The CSV output looks like this. It’s then easy to concatenate several of these (after stripping out the header), and load them into pandas or R.

steps,arrays,rows,cols,scaling,proc-rows,proc-cols,slowdim,rank,version,alignment-increment,alignment-threshold,layout,fill,fmt,io,wall [s],fsize [B],write-phase-min [s],write-phase-max [s],creat-min [s],creat-max [s],write-min [s],write-max [s],read-phase-min [s],read-phase-max [s],read-min [s],read-max [s]


All timings are obtained via MPI_Wtime. For some metrics, we record minima and maxima across MPI ranks. The columns steps through mpi-io are just reiterations of the configuration parameters. The remaining columns are as follows:

wall [s]
Wall time in seconds.
fsize [B]
The HDF5 output file size in bytes
write-phase-min [s],write-phase-max [s]
The fastest and slowest cumulative write phase time in seconds. This includes the time for file and dataset creation(s).
creat-min [s],creat-max [s]
The fastest and slowest time spent in H5Fcreate, H5Fclose, and H5Dcreate in seconds
write-min [s],write-max [s]
The fastest and slowest cumulative H5Dwrite time in seconds
read-phase-min [s],read-phase-max [s]
The fastest and slowest cumulative read phase time in seconds. This includes the times for opening and closing the HDF5 file and for creating dataset selections.
read-min [s],read-max [s]
The fastest and slowest cumulative H5Dread time in seconds


HDF5 Performance Analysis Checklist







No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 4
