Plug joystick into Jetson and run:
roslaunch low_level teleop.launch # ignore error msg about force feedback
rosrun low_level dyn_model
rosrun low_level motor_controller
Hold down joystick LB and use right wheel to control robot!
Untested: to use a remote laptop running Ubuntu 18.04 and ROS Melodic, ensure ROS connectivity between remote laptop and Jetson, plug in joystick and run:
source acr/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
sudo apt install ros-melodic-joy ros-melodic-teleop-twist-joy
roslaunch low_level teleop.launch # may need to change launchfile if joystick does not enumerate as /dev/input/js0
(X=0,Y=0) corresponds to (Lat=,Long=) Yaw=0 degrees corresponds to east. X is directly true east, Y is directly true north. Yaw is CCW about Z-axis. "Adafruit-Blinka" Python module must be installed before running.
roscore # makes sure that a roscore is up and running
cd ~/acr/catkin_ws
sudo -s # run as root
rosrun low_level
Run ifconfig
while connected to display and Claremont-ETC. Hope IP address stays the same once we take vehicle outside. Then connect to Claremont-ETC (password cityoftrees87) and ssh acr@<IPAddr>
from remote computer.