Write the data from an AcqKnowledge file to BrainVision Analyzer format.
Produces a raw data '.dat' file, a BrainVision Analyzer header '.vhdr' file and, optionally, a BrainVision Analyzer marker '.vmrk' file.
acq2bva acq_file [acq_file ...] output_folder [optional args]
acq2bva acq_folder output_folder [optional args]
If, and only if, the toml file specifies acq_file/folder and output_folder:
acq2bva [-s] toml_file [optional args]
If, and only if, a toml file exists that specifies acq_file/folder and output_folder:
acq2bva [-h, --help] Show this help message and exit
acq2bva -hh Show the full help message with information on optional args and exit
acq2bva [-v, --version] Show program's version number and exit
acq2bva [-p, --pc, --print_channels]
Print number and name of each channel, and exit
Path variables
-acq_file File or files to convert from AcqKnowledge format to BrainVision Analyzer.
-acq_folder Folder containing files to convert from AcqKnowledge fromat to BrainVision Analyzer.
output_folder Folder where the raw data file, vhdr header file and, optionally, vmkr marker file
will be saved.
Channel Variables:
-c INDEX [INDEX ...], --ci INDEX [INDEX ...], --channel-indexes INDEX [INDEX ...]
Description: Indexes of channels to include in raw file. Defaults to all channels.
-n NAME [NAME ...], --names NAME [NAME ...], --channel-names NAME [NAME ...]
Description: Names of the channels. Defaults to names given by AcqKnowledge. Useful for renaming channels to something more readable.
--sc SCALE [SCALE ...], --scales SCALE [SCALE ...], --channel-scales SCALE [SCALE ...]
Description: Scales for each channel. Defaults to 1 for every channel.
-u UNIT [UNIT ...], --units UNIT [UNIT ...], --channel-units UNIT [UNIT ...]
Description: Units for each channel. Defaults to units given by AcqKnowledge. Useful for fixing wrong units in recording.
Marker Variables:
-m, --markers
Description: Flag to write a marker file based on a specific marker channel. If true, then marker channel (--mc) must be specified. Optionally, marker map file (--mf) can be specified to provide a description of each marker value. Please refer to the ReadMe or Github page for explanation of a marker map file. Additionally, expected number of markers (--em) can be specified and a warning will be displayed if number of markers found does not correspond to that value.
--mc INDEX, --marker-channel INDEX
Description: A single channel index specifying which channel in the recording to scan for markers.
--mf FILE, --marker-map-file FILE
Description: Path of file specifying a marker mapping from the numerical value the description of that specific marker. For example, 1 -> 'Experiment start'. Please refer to the ReadMe or Github page for explanation of a marker map file.
--em NR, --expected-nr-markers NR
Description: Expected number of markers from each file. A warning will be displayed if number of markers found does not correspond with this value.
Header Toml Settings:
--hs FILE, --header-settings FILE
Description: Toml file to specify settings for the '.vhdr' file. Any setting written in here will override settings configured automatically by this program.
Acq2Bva Toml Settings:
-s FILE, --settings FILE
Description: Toml file to any and all settings specified above. Implicitly loaded if directory contains any of the following files: ["settings.toml", "acq2bva.toml", "acq.toml", "bva.tpml"]. Any setting written in here will be overwritten by settings in the command line. Header settings can be specified here under [header_settings].