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BERT for hierarchical text classification on Amazon product reviews and DBpedia.


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BERT for hierarchicla text classification on Amazon product reviews and DBpedia

Multiple hierearchical text classification approaches using the pretrained bert-base-uncased model form Hugging Face. On the amazon reviews dataset
and DBpedia datasets.

Hierarchical Model architecture



This project was built with:

Training and testing

  • Python 3.8.5
  • CUDA 11.2 (for GPU support)
  • pyyaml 5.3.1
  • tensorflow 2.4.0
  • numpy 1.19.2
  • transformers 4.0.0 (Hugging Face pretrained models)
  • pandas 1.1.3
  • tensorflow_addons 0.12.0
  • scikit-learn 0.23.2

Results visualization and comparison

  • Jupyter lab 2.2.9 (For data analisys and results visualization)
  • matplotlib 3.3.3 (Only needed for result comparison)
  • tqdm=4.59.0

In the requirements folder are multiple files used to generate the requiered conda enviroments on different systems (training was done only on ubuntu 20.04) Use conda env create --name myname --file=requirements_(desired file).yml to create the conda environment

Data set preparation


Amazon downloaded from Rename train_40k.csv to train.csv Rename unlabeled_150k.csv to test.csv

The rest of the files are not needed.


Downloade from Rename DBPEDIA_test.csv to test.csv Rename DBPEDIA_train.csv to train.csv The rest of the files are not needed.


In the Configs folder are the diferent configurations for all trained models.

model_name: bert-base-uncased #pre-trained model name (in all cases ber-base-uncased was used)
max_length: 100 #Maximal token length used as input
epochs: 60
batch_size: 45
repetitions: 3 #How many times should the model be trained 
data_path: amazon # on which dataset
lvl: 2 # Hierarchical lvl
# labels format: list of labels, i.e. [ label1, label2]
# label_i is for no labels (lvl1 or flat):
# label_i is for Target labels (direct from dataset): ['Target','Category name1', 'Category name2', 'Category name3']
# label_i is for predicted labels: ['Path to saved predictions1','Path to saved predictions2',...,'Path to saved predictions n']
# And combinations of both. The order will be label1. label2. Text where for label1 it adds all. e.g. label1: [lb1, lb2] then lb1. lb2. label2. Text.
labels: [['Target','Cat1']]  #Examplkes of target labels
# Same as labels but this are used for prediction, i.e. should not be target only predicted labels
test_labels: [['saved_models/bert-base-uncased/amazon/lvl1/trained_flatt__/100T_60e_45b/Run3/tested__/rep_and_histo.npz']]  #Examples of predicted labels
hierar: hierarchical #Denotes if it is a hierarchical or flat aproach
lable_type: Target # What kind of labels for training can be: _(flat) ,Target, Predicted or per_label
test_labels_type: Predicted # What kind of labels shoud be used for testing, can be: _(flat) ,Target, Predicted


Run with the desired configurations from the Configs folder to train the desired models, e.g. python ./Configs/amazon_config_lvl1_bert-base-uncased.yaml ./Configs/amazon_config_lvl2_per_label.yaml

Run to do a grid-search over the predifined hyperparameters. Hyperparameters can only be done over amazon and per_lvl, but neither on DBpedia nor on per_label. Give one or more options to search hyperparameters: Flat_lvl1, Flat_lvl2, tgt_pred, tgt_tgt, pred_pred. For runs containing pred (predictions) give the rep_and_histo.npz path that should be used for the input predictions. For example python Flat_lvl2 tgt_tgt pred_pred saved_models/bert-base-uncased/amazon/lvl1/trained_flatt__/100T_60e_45b/Run3/tested__/rep_and_histo.npz

For data analysis of the datasets see the Data_analisis.ipynb notebook and for a result generation and comparison see the Result_table_generator.ipynb notebook.


Only predicted results

In all cases as average of 3 runs for 100 Tokens

Dataset Type Epochs Batch size Train Input Output Test Input Cat1 accuracy Cat1 F1 score macro Cat2 accuracy Cat2 F1 score macro Cat3 accuracy Cat3 F1 score macro
amazon Per_lvl 60(10) 45 Text Cat1 Text 0.828(0.002) 0.819(0.002) - - - -
amazon Per_lvl 60(53) 40 Text Cat2 Text - - 0.622(0.003) 0.393(0.004) - -
amazon Per_lvl 60(60) 45 Target Cat1, Text Cat2 Predicted Cat1, Text - - 0.612(0.000) 0.400(0.002) - -
amazon Per_lvl 60(60) 45 Predicted Cat1, Text Cat2 Predicted Cat1, Text - - 0.624(0.002) 0.398(0.002) - -
amazon Per_label 60 45 Text divided per Target Cat1 Cat2 Text divided per Predicted Cat1 - - 0.624(0.000) 0.474(0.005) - -
--- --------- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
dbpedia Per_lvl 20(20) 40 Text Cat1 Text 0.996(0.000) 0.994(0.000) - - - -
dbpedia Per_lvl 40(40) 40 Text Cat2 Text - - 0.975(0.000) 0.968(0.001) - -
dbpedia Per_lvl 40(40) 40 Target Cat1, Text Cat2 Predicted Cat1, Text - - 0.976(0.000) 0.970(0.001) - -
dbpedia Per_lvl 40(40) 40 Predicted Cat1, Text Cat2 Predicted Cat1, Text - - 0.976(0.000) 0.969(0.001) - -
dbpedia Per_label 60 45 Text divided per Target Cat1 Cat2 Text divided per Predicted Cat1 - - 0.977(0.000) 0.972(0.001) - -
dbpedia Per_lvl 40(40) 40 Text Cat3 Text - - - - 0.951(0.001) 0.918(0.007)
dbpedia Per_lvl 40(40) 40 Target Cat1, Cat2, Text Cat3 Predicted Cat1, Cat2, Text - - - - 0.954(0.001) 0.931(0.003)
dbpedia Per_lvl 40(40) 40 Predicted Cat1, Cat2, Text Cat3 Predicted Cat1, Cat2, Text - - - - 0.953(0.001) 0.922(0.005)
dbpedia Per_label 60 45 Text divided per Target Cat2 Cat3 Text divided per Predicted Cat2 - - - - 0.962(0.000) 0.957(0.000)

predicted results with training and testing on target for comparisson

In all cases as average of 3 runs for 100 Tokens

Type Dataset Epochs Tokens Batch size Runs Train Input Output Test Input Cat1 accuracy Cat1 F1 score macro Cat2 accuracy Cat2 F1 score macro Cat3 accuracy Cat3 F1 score macro
Per_lvl amazon 60(10) 100 45 3 Text Cat1 Text 0.828(0.002) 0.819(0.002) - - - -
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Per_lvl amazon 60(53) 100 40 3 Text Cat2 Text - - 0.622(0.003) 0.393(0.004) - -
Per_lvl amazon 60(60) 100 45 3 Target Cat1, Text Cat2 Target Cat1, Text - - 0.706(0.001) 0.464(0.004) - -
Per_lvl amazon 60(60) 100 45 3 Target Cat1, Text Cat2 Predicted Cat1, Text - - 0.612(0.000) 0.400(0.002) - -
Per_lvl amazon 60(60) 100 45 3 Predicted Cat1, Text Cat2 Predicted Cat1, Text - - 0.624(0.002) 0.398(0.002) - -
Per_label amazon 60 100 45 3 Text divided per Target Cat1 Cat2 Text divided per Target Cat1 - - 0.722(0.001) 0.567(0.004) - -
Per_label amazon 60 100 45 3 Text divided per Target Cat1 Cat2 Text divided per Predicted Cat1 - - 0.624(0.000) 0.474(0.005) - -
=== === === === === === === === === === === --- --- --- ---
Per_lvl dbpedia 20(20) 100 40 3 Text Cat1 Text 0.996(0.000) 0.994(0.000) - - - -
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Per_lvl dbpedia 40(40) 100 40 3 Text Cat2 Text - - 0.975(0.000) 0.968(0.001) - -
Per_lvl dbpedia 40(40) 100 40 3 Target Cat1, Text Cat2 Target Cat1, Text - - 0.979(0.000) 0.975(0.001) - -
Per_lvl dbpedia 40(40) 100 40 3 Target Cat1, Text Cat2 Predicted Cat1, Text - - 0.976(0.000) 0.970(0.001) - -
Per_lvl dbpedia 40(40) 100 40 3 Predicted Cat1, Text Cat2 Predicted Cat1, Text - - 0.976(0.000) 0.969(0.001) - -
Per_label dbpedia 60 100 45 3 Text divided per Target Cat1 Cat2 Text divided per Target Cat1 - - 0.980(0.000) 0.977(0.001) - -
Per_label dbpedia 60 100 45 3 Text divided per Target Cat1 Cat2 Text divided per Predicted Cat1 - - 0.977(0.000) 0.972(0.001) - -
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Per_lvl dbpedia 40(40) 100 40 3 Text Cat3 Text - - - - 0.951(0.001) 0.918(0.007)
Per_lvl dbpedia 40(40) 100 40 3 Target Cat1, Cat2, Text Cat3 Target Cat1, Cat2, Text - - - - 0.975(0.001) 0.954(0.003)
Per_lvl dbpedia 40(40) 100 40 3 Target Cat1, Cat2, Text Cat3 Predicted Cat1, Cat2, Text - - - - 0.954(0.001) 0.931(0.003)
Per_lvl dbpedia 40(40) 100 40 3 Predicted Cat1, Cat2, Text Cat3 Predicted Cat1, Cat2, Text - - - - 0.953(0.001) 0.922(0.005)
Per_label dbpedia 60 100 45 3 Text divided per Target Cat2 Cat3 Text divided per Target Cat2 - - - - 0.983(0.000) 0.982(0.000)
Per_label dbpedia 60 100 45 3 Text divided per Target Cat2 Cat3 Text divided per Predicted Cat2 - - - - 0.962(0.000) 0.957(0.000)

Training validation curves for flat and per-level

No curves for per-label since there are a lot of classifiers with different categories, it would be a mess. training_curves Mean accuracy and f1 macro score with 95% confidence interval

Hyperparameter search

MAX_LENGTH = [64, 100, 256, 512]
BATCH_SIZE = [10, 20, 40, 45, 50, 60]

Level 1 flat


Level 2 flat


Level 2 hierarchical with predicted labels


Level 2 hierarchical with target labels


Data Analysis, token length distribution


Training data

Data_distribution Data_distribution

Test data

Data_distribution Data_distribution


Training data

Data_distribution Data_distribution

Test data

Data_distribution Data_distribution

Labels statistics


Training data

Amount of appearances for Cat1:

  • unique values 6
  • Minimal: grocery gourmet food appears 3617 times
  • Maximal: toys games appears 10266 times
  • in average 6666.67 times.

Amount of appearances for Cat2:

  • unique values 64
  • Minimal: small animals appears 29 times
  • Maximal: personal care appears 2852 times
  • in average 625.00 times.

Amount of appearances for Cat3:

  • unique values 464
  • Minimal: aprons smocks appears 1 times
  • Maximal: unknown appears 2262 times
  • in average 86.21 times.

Test data

Amount of appearances for Cat1:

  • unique values 6
  • Minimal: baby products appears 698 times
  • Maximal: health personal care appears 2992 times
  • in average 1666.67 times.

Amount of appearances for Cat2:

  • unique values 64
  • Minimal: baby food appears 2 times
  • Maximal: nutrition wellness appears 904 times
  • in average 156.25 times.

Amount of appearances for Cat3:

  • unique values 377
  • Minimal: aquarium hoods appears 1 times
  • Maximal: vitamins supplements appears 665 times
  • in average 26.53 times.


Training data

Amount of appearances for Cat1:

  • unique values 9
  • Minimal: Device appears 248 times
  • Maximal: Agent appears 124798 times
  • in average 26771.33 times.

Amount of appearances for Cat2:

  • unique values 70
  • Minimal: Database appears 129 times
  • Maximal: Athlete appears 31111 times
  • in average 3442.03 times.

Amount of appearances for Cat3:

  • unique values 219
  • Minimal: BiologicalDatabase appears 129 times
  • Maximal: AcademicJournal appears 1924 times
  • in average 1100.19 times.

Test Data

Amount of appearances for Cat1:

  • unique values 9
  • Minimal: Device appears 62 times
  • Maximal: Agent appears 31495 times
  • in average 6754.89 times.

Amount of appearances for Cat2:

  • unique values 70
  • Minimal: Database appears 33 times
  • Maximal: Athlete appears 7855 times
  • in average 868.49 times.

Amount of appearances for Cat3:

  • unique values 219
  • Minimal: BiologicalDatabase appears 33 times
  • Maximal: AcademicJournal appears 485 times
  • in average 277.60 times.


Based on
Pretrained models
BERT docu
Hierarchical text classification


BERT for hierarchical text classification on Amazon product reviews and DBpedia.





