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HighestDreams edited this page Apr 16, 2022 · 2 revisions

How to send forms to the player

$player->sendForm(new YourFormClass());

How to add images to the forms

You can only add images to the simple form buttons, The image can be url OR path like below:

protected function buttons(): array
        return [
            'Button with no image',
            'Url image button' => '',
            'Path image button' => 'textures/ui/checkboxFilledYellow' # Other paths:

Button images are not working?

If the images are not loading, just use below code in your onEnable() or onLoad() functions in your plugin.

FormHandler::fixImages($this); # To fix images

Also don't forget to use:

use form\FormHandler;

Modal Form Template

Functions (title(), content(), firstButton(), secondButton()) are so important, Which means if you do not define them in your FormClass, You'll get an error.



namespace YourName\Space;

use form\ModalForm;
use pocketmine\player\Player;

class YourClass extends ModalForm
    /* This will be the title of your form */
    protected function title(): string
        return 'The title';

    /* This will be the content of your form */
    protected function content(): string
        return '+ The content.';

    /* The first button of your form */
    protected function firstButton(): string
        return 'Yes';

    /* The second button of your form */
    protected function secondButton(): string
        return 'No';

    /* When player clicks the first button, this function will be executed */
    protected function onClickFirstButton(Player $player): void
        // Your code goes here

    /* When player clicks the second button OR closes the form, this function will be executed */
    protected function onClickSecondButton(Player $player): void
        // Your code goes here

Simple Form Template

Functions (title(), content(), buttons()) are so important, Which means if you do not define them in your FormClass, You'll get an error.



namespace YourName\Space;

use form\SimpleForm;
use pocketmine\player\Player;

class YourClass extends SimpleForm
    /* This will be the title of your form */
    protected function title(): string
        return 'The title';

    /* This will be the content of your form */
    protected function content(): string
        return '+ The content';

    /* With this function you can register your form buttons */
    protected function buttons(): array
        return ['Button 1', 'Button2'];

    /* When player clicks on buttons, this function will be executed */
    protected function onClickButton(Player $player, int $button): void
        switch ($button) {
            case 0:
                // You code goes here....
            case 1:
                // You code goes here...

    /* When player closes the form, this function will be executed */
    protected function onClose(Player $player): void
        // Your code goes here...

Custom Form Template

Functions (title(), content()) are so important, Which means if you do not define them in your FormClass, You'll get an error.



namespace YourName\Space;

use form\CustomForm;
use pocketmine\player\Player;

class YourClass extends CustomForm
    protected function title(): string
        return 'The title';

    /* Add content with this method (Content like: Dropdown, Label, Input, Slider, StepSlider) */
    protected function content(): void
        // Like: 
        // $this->addLabel('+ Did you just learbed ?');
        // $this->addInput('Your answer :', 'Write your answer here...', 'Yes, Tysm :).');
        // You can also define Dropdown, StepSlider, Slider here!

    /* When player clicks the submit button, this function will be executed */
    protected function onSubmit(Player $player, array $data): void
        /* $data[0] is the first thing we added to our content (Here is label) So the second thing we added is input, We can get result of our input with below variable : */
        // $input = $data[1];
        // $player->sendMessage('Your answer is : ' . $input);

    protected function onClose(Player $player): void
        $player->sendMessage('You closed the form');