IranAddressJS is a jQuery plugin that provides selection for city and province fields (of Iran) in a form. You can simply add two select input in your html page. one for selecting province and the other for selecting the city from the selected province.
You can access to live Demo from here : Demo
IranAddressJS works with jQuery 1.3+ . If you have no Idea what is about, Just add the following line to header of your code:
<script src=""></script>
Add a reference to Iran-Address-JS.js :
You can add IranAddressJS to your page from jsdeliver CDN, Just add following line to header of you page:
<script src="//"></script>
Or you can download it from this project and add reference like below:
<script src="Iran-Address-JS.js"></script>
In your html code you must have two select input. one for province and one for city. Province inputs must have "province"
class and city inputs must have "city"
Each serie of city and province selects must be inside a unique "div"
<!-- استان -->
<select class="province">
<!-- شهر -->
<select class="city">
You can use how many of these series you want, just keep this in mind that use each serie in a diffirent "div"
tag. That's all you need to do. Good lock.
Licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991 licensing.