- Gutenberg ready (wp 5.8)
- Center, Wide & Full page-width
- Root CSS-variable system integrated with WP
- Adds some essential ACF blocks.
- Supports Yoast Faq (+ collapse), How-to & Breadcrumb blocks.
- NPM package with webpack to handle all assets & copy template files.
Please note: This theme is built with Advanced Custom Fields Pro
One of the challenges of working with the Block editor as a freelancer or agency, is the amount of control the client has to change the design of the page.
Which is bad because:
- It creates cognitive overload & dissonance.
- Extra learning curve, blank page syndrome.
- Thinking about styling distracts from writing content.
A website user is not (and should never be) a designer, ux-er, or developer in professional contexts. Unless they specifically ask for it.
Yet, they should definitely be in complete control over their website content, within the boundaries of the design. That is the challenge.
- Color picker is auto-populated from Sass variable map.
- Background-colors dictate foreground colors. Text-color picker is disabled (for most blocks).
- Disabled: Gradient, Custom color, Contrast checker, Custom spacing, Link color, Line-height.
- Added system for allowed blocks per template/post-type.
- Block patterns can be saved by copying from the editor in a template file (using get_template_part in OB).
- Exposes reusable blocks as 'Saved Blocks' in admin menu.
- Tabs block
- Slider block (with swiper.js)
- SVG block (icon / shape)
- Pages block (customizable previews for children / custom parent)
- Post-query block (customizable previews for each post type)
- Three widths to control block max-widths. Customizable with Sass variable map. This affect only direct children of the main block list.
- Inner-content will adhere to page-width (a fullwidth cover block's inner content will adhere to page-width).
- Page width can be set with a hook in template files, or on a per-page basis with a baked in ACF field.
- All blocks are vertically spaced by a global variable (default 2rem).
- A spacer block (S / M / L) is used for flexible (but theme-controlled) spacing to create sections.
- Groups received a block-style to quickly add extra vertical space (and become a 'section').
- The theme is customized with several sass variable maps (spacing, colors, fonts, etc.)
- Breakpoints are in line with WP block library, but fully customizable into Bootstrap bp's for example.
- The vars are compiled in the root, not unlike the current WP variable system (& naming).
- The vars are accessible with the usual css:
color: 'var(--color--primary)';
. - For mixins and other internal use, a sass function
color: v(primary, light);
is used.
- Related posts & pages are default added to pages & posts that have siblings.
- Archives are shown in a grid with a couple preview types (preview = post-summary, image, title, excerpt, link).
- Grids and previews can be customized with global options (acf options fields).
- Custom post types can be added with minimal effort, and will show Archive & Singles out of the box.
- Advanced Custom Fields Pro
- Yoast SEO
- JVM rich text icons (optional)
- Forminator (optional)
$npm run build // dev code
$npm run watch // dev code with watch mode
$npm run dev // dev code with watch mode & browsersync
$npm run prod // production code with source maps