New RML Processor is available at
Processor for RML (R2RML extension) in Java based on DB2Triples
The processor can be installed using Maven, so make sure you have installed it first: and java 1.7
mvn clean install
You can run a mapping process by executing the following command.
java -jar target/RMLMapper-0.1.jar <mapping_file> <output_file> [-g <graph>]
<mapping_file> = The RML mapping file conform with the [RML specification](
<output_file> = The file where the output RDF triples are stored; default in [N-Triples]( syntax.
<graph> (optional) = The named graph in which the output RDF triples are stored.
For instance, to run example1, execute the following command by replacing the paths to the files with the local paths:
java -jar target/RMLMapper-0.1.jar /path/to/the/mapping/document/example.rml.ttl /path/to/the/output/file/example1_test.output.nt
On OSX, it might be needed to export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)
More information about the solution can be found at
This application is developed by Multimedia Lab
Copyright 2014, Multimedia Lab - Ghent University - iMinds
The RMLProcessor is released under the terms of the MIT license.