In the master
branch, we provide ISA datasets exemplars, available either in tab delimited
formats, hence the repository organization.
Many more ISA datasets are available from production repositories such as:
EMBL-EBI Metabolights metabolomics data archive:
Nature Springer Scientific Data:
Stem Cell Commons: e.g.:
The tests
branch contains more datasets in ISA tab
and json
format as well as ISA datasets converted to other formats (i.e. Short Read Archive
format (used by INSDC databses ( the US NCBI SRA archive, the EU EMBL-EBI, the Japanese DDBJ and China's CNG), MAGE-Tab
formats (EMBL-EBI ArrayExpress), Sample-Tab
format (EMBL-EBI Biosamples), used for testing in the ISA-API ( The branch also contains test datasets for the conversion from 3rd party formats to ISA format (e.g. mzml for mass spectrometry data).