Implementations of most algorithms learnt in the course UE18CS311 by PES University.
- Implement Dynamic table with and without struct hacking - Q1 - A / B
- Implement Splay Trees - Q2
- Find longest common prefix in 2 strings using minimum R rotations - Q1
- Find longest common prefix in 2 substrings of a string using Rabin Karp and Binary Search method. link to a similar question - Q2
- K Factor: Find number of strings of length N with K occurences of "abba" - Q1
- Find Edit distance with Insert + Delete using LCS algorithm - Q2A
- Find Edit distance with Insert + Delete + Subtitution - Q2B
- Find Edit distance with Weighted Insert + Weighted Delete + Weighted Subtitution - Q2C
- Polynomial multiplication using FFT algorithm - Q1
- Solving linear equations using Chinese Remainder Theorem - Q2
- Dynamic Table - A1 - Q1
- Splay Trees - A1 - Q2
- Naive String Algorithm
- Modified Naive String Algorithm
- Rabin-Karp Algorithm
- Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm
- Finite Automata String matching algorithm
- Recursive FFT for polynomial multiplication - A4 - Q1
- Ford Fulkerson/ Edmond Karp Algorithm
- Maximum bipartite matching
- Chinese Remainder Theorem - A4 - Q2
- Euclids Extended Algorithm - A4 - Q2
- Coin Row Problem
- Rod Cutting Problem
- Matrix Chain Multiplication
- Longest Common Subsequence
[C2] FSM[C2] Suffix TreeAssignment 1Assignment 2[C5] Rod Cutting problem[C5] Matrix Chain multiplication[C5] Longest Common Subsequence[C3] Ford Fulkerson Algorithm[C3] Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm (done in A4)- [C4] Euclids Algorithm
[C4] Euclids Extended algorithm- [C4] RSA encryption