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StanShock is a quasi-1D gas dynamics solver designed model shock tube experiments. StanShock has the following capabilities:

Variable cross-sectional area
Boundary layer modeling
Multicomponent gas interfaces

Reaction Chemistry
Species and thermal diffusion
Geometric Optimization

StanShock is writen in object-oriented pure-python, which allows the client to flexibly script and run stanShock cases.


StanShock has been tested using python 3.9. It is recommended to install the requirements into a virtual environment such as that provided by conda. With conda one can create a new virtual environment named stanshock for python 3.9 using

conda create --name stanshock python=3.9

The requirements are listed in the requirements.txt file. One may install these requirements into the current python environment using

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt


Included are six examples in the examples folder: (laminar flame test case of stoichiometric H2/Air) (driver insert optimization)
validation (four validation test cases)
│─── (baseline)
│─── (step change in driver/driven area)
│─── (driver insert case)
│─── (disparate driver/driven mixtures)

These may be run from their containing directories. Ensure that your PYTHONPATH environment variable is set appropriately. For example, from the project directory

python examples/validation/

Note that the matplotlib plots in these examples use LaTeX to render the fonts. See here for more information on the requirements. Alternatively, one may remove the LaTeX rendering of fonts in these examples (e.g., commenting out plt.rc('text',usetex=True)).


Files include: (entirety of the StanShock solver code)
*.{xml,cti} (cantera files containing the thermodiffusive properties)
{laminarFlame,optimization,case{1..4}}.py (python driver scripts)
case{1..4}.csv (experimental shock tube data for the validation cases)


To run the test suite, first ensure that the test dependencies are installed:

python -m pip install -r requirements-test.txt

The tests may be run from the project directory using

python -m unittest discover

For a breakdown of the test coverage, run from the project directory

coverage run -m unittest discover
coverage html

This will create an HTML report, which can be explored by a browser.


To cite StanShock, please refer the following article:

    Author = {Grogan, K. and Ihme, M.},
    Title = {StanShock: a gas-dynamic model for shock tube simulations with non-ideal effects and chemical kinetics},
    Journal = {Shock Waves},
    Year = {2020},
    Volume = {30},
    Number = {4},
    Pages = {425--438},
    Doi = {10.1007/s00193-019-00935-x},


Please report any issues to the GitHub site. If you are interested in contributing or collaborating, please contact [email protected].