Embed a pdf as background or watermark and place it on each page of another pdf.
pdfwatermark.py watermark.pdf source.pdf output.pdf
This puts the content of the first page of watermark.pdf in the background of each page of source.pdf. The merged data is written into output.pdf.
- python https://www.python.org/
- pyPDF2 http://mstamy2.github.io/PyPDF2/
Previously we used PDFtk https://www.pdflabs.com/tools/pdftk-the-pdf-toolkit/ for this task. But PDFtk relies on gcj which was deprecated for a long time and is not easily available on current distributions anymore.
So I was looking for a replacement. There are some tools offered as replacement for PDFtk, but most of them don't offer a equivalent of the pdftk "background" command.
Mcpdf offers it, but requires iText which is not easily available on CentOS 7. Adding a background in QPDF is possible, but not easily scriptable.
pdfwatermark.py foreground.pdf background.pdf result.pdf
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