This is the code behind our paper:
Lalchand, V., Ravuri, A., Lawrence, N. D. (2020) Variational Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models with Normalizing Flows
As an illustration, this is what a typical run looks like at the moment:
from gplvf import model, data
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
n, d, q, X, Y, lb = data.generate_synthetic_data(x_type='normal', y_type='hi_dim')
gplvf = model.GPLVF(Y, q)
gplvf.init_encoder(model='pca', num_flows=10, activate_flow=True)
losses = gplvf.train(steps=2000)
X_recon = gplvf.enc_flow.X_map(n_restarts=1)
gplvf.decoder.X = X_recon
Y_recon = gplvf.y_given_x(X_recon)
data.check_model(X, Y, Y_recon, 'GPLVF + PCA Encoder')
The MNIST plot can be generated using:
import os; os.chdir('tests')
from test_model import MNISTPlotsAndSDInits