This plugin is aimed to be a companion plugin which acts as a bridge b/w Destination WP site (where the plugin is supposed to be installed) and IntaWP Migration service.
You can take the entire code and adopt it in your plugin, if you wish you.
You need to set these values in iwp-migration-helper.php
- API Key can be generated from API Token page here -, use the read-only + read-write key.
- API Domain should be
- If you don't know the slug yet, you can just use the value
defined( 'INSTAWP_API_KEY' ) || define( 'INSTAWP_API_KEY', '<api key>' );
defined( 'INSTAWP_API_DOMAIN' ) || define( 'INSTAWP_API_DOMAIN', '' );
defined( 'INSTAWP_MIGRATE_ENDPOINT' ) || define( 'INSTAWP_MIGRATE_ENDPOINT', 'migrate/<slug>' );
To enable auto migration please set this constant as true define( 'INSTAWP_AUTO_MIGRATION', true );
To customize the texts, colors and to apply any custom css please use the following constant.
define( 'IWP_AM_SETTINGS', '{"text_heading":"We have detected a website <span>{demo_site_url}</span> which you used to create a demo site at {demo_created_at}.","text_desc":"Transfer or Migrate the site here?","transfer_btn_text":"Transfer Site","transfer_btn_style":"background: #11BF85; border-color: #11BF85; color: #fff;","transfer_btn_style_hover":"background: #14855f; border-color: #14855f;","custom_css":".iwp-auto-migration h3.iwp-text-header > span { color: #14855f; }"}' );
- FIX - Added fix for redirection to Extendify.
- FIX - Added require setting constants check.
- FIX - Fixed wp-config table prefix issue in the migration flow.
- FIX - Added missing plugin main file.
(no need for version bump)
- Added a sample plugin for migration settings which can be independently installed while the main plugin keeps updating.
- NEW - The system now automatically checks for updates.
- NEW - Added translation support.
- FIX - Fixed timezone issue for the demo site creation.
- NEW - Added reset demo site details button.
- FIX - Fixed auto migration demo site identification.
- FIX - Fixed auto migration demo site identification.
- FIX - Fixed hosting migration.
- NEW - Initial Release.