Particle collision events with two electrons- Invariate electron mass prediction using artificial neural networks
This dataset contains 100k dielectron events in the invariant mass range 2-110 GeV for use in outreach and education. These data were selected for use in education and outreach and contain a subset of the total event information.
- Run: The run number of the event
- Event: The event number.
- E1, E2: The total energy of the electron (GeV) for electrons 1 and 2.
- px1,py1,pz1,px2,py2,pz2: The components of the momemtum of the electron 1 and 2 (GeV).
- pt1, pt2: The transverse momentum of the electron 1 and 2 (GeV).
- eta1, eta2: The pseudorapidity of the electron 1 and 2.
- phi1, phi2: The phi angle of the electron 1 and 2 (rad).
- Q1, Q2: The charge of the electron 1 and 2.
- M: The invariant mass of two electrons (GeV). dataset can be found at kaggle