Stock Market Analysis and Prediction is the project on technical analysis, visualization, and prediction using data provided by Google Finance. By looking at data from the stock market, particularly some giant technology stocks and others. Used pandas to get stock information, visualized different aspects of it, and finally looked at a few ways of analyzing the risk of a stock, based on its previous performance history. Predicted future stock prices through a Monte Carlo method!
The purpose of this project is to comparatively analyze the effectiveness of prediction algorithms on stock market data and get general insight on this data through visualization to predict future stock behavior and value at risk for each stock. The project encompasses the concept of Data Mining and Statistics. This project makes heavy use of NumPy, Pandas, and Data Visualization Libraries like Seaborn.
In conclusion, the Stock Market Analysis wasp analyses the results fairly well and has a capability to predict the stock market with the precision of approximately 70%. It can used by various individual businessmen and companies to predict the stock value of their shares etc. Greater efiiciency can be achived by collection of more data. That shall also require good data mining and data visualisation skills. At the end, we may say that this project has improvement scope and even the present work is good enough to perform the whole analysis with prediction to get good view of the current and upcoming stock market.