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Scheme Description Language

J Ayo Akinyele edited this page Jun 24, 2013 · 4 revisions

Digital Signatures used by AutoBatch

Scheme Group Setting Link Publication
BLS01 Pairing SDL Short Sig: Boneh, D., Lynn, B., and Shacham, H. Short signatures from the weil pairing. ASIACRYPT ’01
BBSO4 Pairing SDL Group Sig: Boneh, D., Boyen, X., and Shacham, H. Short group signatures. CRYPTO ’04
CHP Pairing SDL Jan Camenisch, Susan Hohenberger, and Michael Østergaard Pedersen. Batch verification of short signatures. EUROCRYPT ’07.
Hess02 Pairing SDL Florian Hess. Efficient identity based signature schemes based on pairings. Selected Areas in Cryptography, ’02.
ChCh03 Pairing SDL Jae Choon Cha and Jung Hee Cheon. An identity-based signature from gap Diffie-Hellman groups. PKC ’03.
Waters05 Pairing SDL Brent Waters. Efficient identity-based encryption without random oracles. EUROCRYPT ’05.
CL04 Pairing SDL Camenisch, J., Lysyanskaya, A. Signature Schemes and Anonymous Credentials from Bilinear Maps. CRYPTO ’04.
CYH05 Pairing SDL Sherman S. M. Chow, Siu-Ming Yiu, and Lucas C.K. Hui. Efficient identity based ring signature. ACNS ’05.
Boyen07 Pairing SDL X. Boyen. Mesh Signatures: How to Leak a Secret with Unwitting and Unwilling Participants. EUROCRYPT ’07.
HW09 Pairing SDL Hohenberger, S., and Waters, B. Realizing hash-and-sign signatures under standard assumptions. EUROCRYPT ’09.
VRF10 Pairing SDL Hohenberger, S., and Waters, B. Constructing Verifiable Random Functions with Large Input Spaces. EUROCRYPT ’10.
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