- Updated reference CryptoExchange.Net version from 8.4.3 to 8.5.0
- Added EmptyArrayObjectConverter System.Text.Json JsonConverter
- Added JsonSerializerOptions parameter to SystemTextJsonMessageAccessor constructor
- Changed JsonConverterCtorAttribute to use constructor type parameter instead of generic type parameter to support .net framework
- Added SetOptions method to update client settings
- Added SocketConnection parameter to PeriodicQuery callback
- Added setting of DefaultProxyCredentials on HttpClient instance when client is not provided by DI
- Added support for overriding request timeout per request
- Added build target for net9.0
- Added setting of KeepAliveTimeout on websocket connections to improve dropped connection detection
- Changed max wait time for close handshake response from 5 seconds to 1 second
- Fixed exception in trade tracker when there is no data in the initial snapshot
- Updated Binance.Net from version 10.13.2 to version 10.15.0
- Added initial Agent endpoints
- Added onUserDataStreamTerminated and onBalanceLockUpdate updates to socketClient.SpotApi.SubscribeUserDataUpdatesAsync
- Added IsLiquidationOrder, IsAdlAutoCloseOrder and IsSettlementOrder helper properties to BinanceFuturesOrder model
- Added PreMarket handling to PermissionType enum
- Split AccountType enum into AccountType and PermissionType
- Changed restClient.UsdFuturesApi.Trading.GetOrdersAsync symbol parameter to be optional
- Added SetOptions methods on Rest and Socket clients
- Added setting of DefaultProxyCredentials to CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials on the DI http client
- Improved websocket disconnect detection
- Set Symbol on Spot and UsdFutures socket ExchangeData.GetOrderBookAsync response
- Updated BingX.Net from version 1.18.1 to version 1.19.0
- Fixed bingXRestClient.PerpetualFuturesApi.Account.GetIncomesAsync parameter serialization
- Added SetOptions methods on Rest and Socket clients
- Added setting of DefaultProxyCredentials to CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials on the DI http client
- Improved websocket disconnect detection
- Fixed BingXFuturesPlaceOrderRequest serialization
- Updated Bitfinex.Net from version 7.12.2 to version 7.13.0
- Added SetOptions methods on Rest and Socket clients
- Added setting of DefaultProxyCredentials to CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials on the DI http client
- Updated Bitget.Net from version 1.18.1 to version 1.19.0
- Added SetOptions methods on Rest and Socket clients
- Added setting of DefaultProxyCredentials to CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials on the DI http client
- Added page parameter to restClient.SpotApi.Account.GetTransferHistoryAsync, marked idLessThan as deprecated
- Improved websocket disconnect detection
- Updated BitMart.Net from version 1.10.1 to version 1.12.0
- Added socketClient.UsdFuturesApi.SubscribeToBookTickerUpdatesAsync stream subscription
- Added restClient.UsdFuturesApi.ExchangeData.GetFundingRateHistoryAsync endpoint
- Added restClient.UsdFuturesApi.Account.GetTransactionHistoryAsync endpoint
- Added SetOptions methods on Rest and Socket clients
- Added setting of DefaultProxyCredentials to CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials on the DI http client
- Added restClient.UsdFuturesApi.Trading.PlaceTrailingOrderAsync endpoint
- Added restClient.UsdFuturesApi.Trading.CancelTrailingOrderAsync endpoint
- Improved websocket disconnect detection
- Removed trailing stop parameters from restClient.UsdFuturesApi.Trading.PlaceOrderAsync
- Updated Bybit.Net from version 3.18.1 to version 3.19.0
- Added restClient.V5Api.Account.GetTransferableAsync endpoint
- Fixed socketClient.V5PrivateApi.CancelOrderAsync incorrect topic
- Added SetOptions methods on Rest and Socket clients
- Added setting of DefaultProxyCredentials to CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials on the DI http client
- Improved websocket disconnect detection
- Updated Coinbase.Net from version 1.6.1 to version 1.7.0
- Added SetOptions methods on Rest and Socket clients
- Added setting of DefaultProxyCredentials to CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials on the DI http client
- Updated CoinEx.Net from version 7.12.1 to version 7.13.0
- Fixed socketClient.SpotApiV2.SubscribeToOrderBookUpdatesAsync unsubscribe
- Added SetOptions methods on Rest and Socket clients
- Added setting of DefaultProxyCredentials to CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials on the DI http client
- Improved websocket disconnect detection
- Updated CoinGecko.Net from version 3.2.0 to version 3.3.0
- Added SetOptions methods on Rest client
- Added setting of DefaultProxyCredentials to CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials on the DI http client
- Updated CryptoCom.Net from version 1.4.1 to version 1.5.0
- Added SetOptions methods on Rest and Socket clients
- Added setting of DefaultProxyCredentials to CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials on the DI http client
- Improved websocket disconnect detection
- Updated GateIo.Net from version 1.15.0 to version 1.16.0
- Added SetOptions methods on Rest and Socket clients
- Added setting of DefaultProxyCredentials to CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials on the DI http client
- Improved websocket disconnect detection
- Updated HTX.Net from version 6.7.2 to version 6.8.0
- Added SetOptions methods on Rest and Socket clients
- Added setting of DefaultProxyCredentials to CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials on the DI http client
- Improved websocket disconnect detection
- Updated Kraken.Net from version 5.4.1 to version 5.5.0
- Added newAssetNameResponse parameter to restClient.SpotApi.Account.GetBalancesAsync
- Added SetOptions methods on Rest and Socket clients
- Added setting of DefaultProxyCredentials to CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials on the DI http client
- Improved websocket disconnect detection
- Updated Kucoin.Net from version 5.22.0 to version 5.23.0
- Added SetOptions methods on Rest and Socket clients
- Added setting of DefaultProxyCredentials to CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials on the DI http client
- Added TradeType property to socketClient.FuturesApi.SubscribeToOrderUpdatesAsync update
- Improved websocket disconnect detection
- Updated SpotApi MaxSocketConnections from 150 to 500
- Updated restClient.FuturesApi.Trading.CancelAllOrdersAsync from V1 to V3
- Updated Mexc.Net from version 1.13.1 to version 1.15.0
- Added SetOptions methods on Rest and Socket clients
- Added setting of DefaultProxyCredentials to CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials on the DI http client
- Improved websocket disconnect detection
- Fixed deserialization of too large decimal values in Ticker and Kline models
- Fixed typo in MexcAggregatedTrade and MexcKline models
- Fix for restClient.SpotApi.Account.WithdrawAsync deserialization
- Updated OKX.Net from version 2.12.1 to version 2.14.0
- Added Europe environment
- Added restClient.UnifiedApi.Account.PresetAccountModeSwitchAsync endpoint
- Added restClient.UnifiedApi.Account.PrecheckAccountModeSwitchAsync endpoint
- Added SetOptions methods on Rest and Socket clients
- Added setting of DefaultProxyCredentials to CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials on the DI http client
- Improved websocket disconnect detection
- Updated WhiteBit.Net from version 1.2.1 to version 1.3.0
- Fixed deserialization of restClient.V4Api.Trading.GetClosedOrdersAsync without results
- Added SetOptions methods on Rest and Socket clients
- Added setting of DefaultProxyCredentials to CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials on the DI http client
- Improved websocket disconnect detection
- Updated XT.Net from version 1.0.1 to version 1.1.0
- Added client reference
- Added SetOptions methods on Rest and Socket clients
- Added setting of DefaultProxyCredentials to CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials on the DI http client
- Improved websocket disconnect detection