A FIX protocol demo with Java+QuickFIX/J+Spring Boot+Docker+React. Jaakko Saaristo 2018
- Simulates FIX by creating an Acceptor (execution broker, seller) and Initiator (investment manager, buyer) services
- The services communicate in raw FIX
- The services are Spring Boot applications running in Docker containers
- Acceptor actively outputs the traffic in its FIX ports to a websocket
- Initiator provides a REST interface to send commands over a REST client
- React GUI
- Linux
- Maven 3
- Docker
mvn clean package
Will produce a single jar under target/. Running initiator/acceptor uses Spring profiles.
This will build and produce 3 docker containers
This will start 4 containers with the respective environment.
The initiators have different settings.
/ command=test send TestReq
/fieldname code=CODE return field name for CODE
Check the files
The FIX session settings (in settings-[acceptor|initiator].properties) can be overridden by passing the container environment variables FIXSETTING.name=value.