Releases: JackStouffer/Flask-Foundation
Flask Foundation v1.3
Since the last release, there have been 15 commits and just over 200 more stars to this repo. Another thank you to all of you who use this project.
New Features:
- A cookie cutter version! (finally)
- Now using Py.test fixtures rather than the old setUp/tearDown
- Updated the third party libraries
- Thanks to @joshfriend who
- Cleaned up the requirements.txt file
- Added basic password hashing to the user model
- Thanks to @jstacoder who added some awesome utility functions to the script
At this point, baring a major change in Flask in the future, I believe that this will be the last release for Flask Foundation. I am in no way abandoning Flask Foundation, but I feel that there really isn't anything else to add that wouldn't go against the goals of the project.
If you disagree, please submit a pull request and I would be happy to look it over.
-- Jack
Flask Foundation v1.2
A big thank you to all current 436 people who stared this repo. This simple framework has more stars than several popular flask extensions including flask-security and flask-cache. So again, huge thank you for making this so popular.
Additions since last release:
- flask-login
- added Modernizr
- updated js and css libraries
Testing: Flask-Foundation v1.1
- switched to py.test for tests
- form tests
- url tests
- testing database submitting on model tests
- added documentation on how to deploy your application
Flask Foundation 1.0
This marks the first release iteration of Flask Foundation.