A Quantum Key Distribution system, based on BB84, using emulated photons and channels.
- Bit & Basis Generation ✅
- Sending & Receiving Of Basis ✅
- Shared Key Generation ✅
- Key Reconciliation ◽
- Sending & Receiving Of Decision ✅
- Install nodejs.
- Open terminal and navigate to source code directory
- Command
npm install
- Command
gulp test
- Command
npm start
- Command
node sample.compiled.js
- Install wallaby for your edtior; I recommend Atom.
Control + Shift + P
, commandWallaby: Focus Panel
- Click Start button
browserify - CommonJS Loader/Bundler
watchify - Browserify watcher
babel/babelify - es6 transpiler
mocha - JS test framework
chai - Assertion library