seems like a natural match for this kind of task. There's a separate GraphQLBuilderTests
test suite that shows the supported cases. In its basic form you can construct a query like this:
import Chester
let query = GraphQLQuery {
Fields("id", "title")
Nested queries can be defined in their logical order now:
let query = GraphQLQuery {
Fields("id", "title")
SubQuery {
SubQuery {
- Queries with multiple root fields and arguments produce a compiler error (e.g.
'Int' is not convertible to 'Any'
Chester uses the builder pattern to construct GraphQL queries. In its basic form use it like this:
import Chester
let query = QueryBuilder()
.with(arguments: Argument(key: "id", value: "20"), Argument(key: "author", value: "Chester"))
.with(fields: "id", "title", "content")
// For cases with dynamic input, probably best to use a do-catch:
do {
let queryString = try query.build
} catch {
// Can specify which errors to catch
// Or if you're sure of your query
guard let queryString = try? query.build else { return }
You can add subqueries. Add as many as needed. You can nest them as well.
let commentsQuery = QueryBuilder()
.with(fields: "id", content)
let postsQuery = QueryBuilder()
.with(fields: "id", "title")
.with(subQuery: commentsQuery)
You can search on multiple collections at once
let search = QueryBuilder()
.with(arguments: Argument(key: "text", value: "an"))
.on("Human", "Droid")
.with(fields: "name")
Check the included unit tests for further examples.
- Swift 5
- Xcode 12.5+
- iOS 8
Chester is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "Chester"
Or Carthage. Add Chester to your Cartfile:
github "JanGorman/Chester"
Or Swift Package Manager. To install it, simply go to File > Swift Package > Add Swift Package Dependency and add "https://github.com/JanGorman/Chester.git" as Swift Package URL. Or add the following line to Package.swift:
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/JanGorman/Chester.git", from: "0.14.0")
Chester is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.