This is a node.js module for fetching info from VR's Junat kartalla-service.
You can fetch info from different stations and trains.
Documentation of the API is available here:
npm install vr
Stations are named by codes. The list of the train stations with their code is available at:
Also, the service also gives you information about whetever train is canceled or why it is delayed with code names.
The list of them is available at Finnish Transport Agency's site:
There's three methods in this module.
Gives you station's departing and arriving trains. You need to use code name of the station. For example, Lahti is LH.
var vr = require('vr'); vr.getStationInfo('LH', function (info) { console.log(info); });
Gives you all trains that are on the tracks at the moment.
var vr = require('vr'); vr.getTrains(function (trains) { console.log(trains); });
Gives information about the stations that the train with given guid goes by. Also gives latitude/longitude, speed and direction of train. (Use guid from getStationInfo/getTrains in this.)
var vr = require('vr'); vr.getTrain('S79', function (train) { console.log(train); });