Currently working on my neovim config.
This config is mostly stable and ready for use.
curl -L | bash
If you would like to add projects (utilized by code_runner.nvim
create a file at lua/config/projects.lua
. You can then put the following there:
return {
["~/python/intel_2021_1"] = {
name = "Intel Course 2021",
description = "Simple python project",
file_name = "POO/"
["~/deno/example"] = {
name = "ExampleDeno",
description = "Project with deno using other command",
file_name = "http/main.ts",
command = "deno run --allow-net"
["~/cpp/example"] = {
name = "ExampleCpp",
description = "Project with make file",
command = "make build && cd build/ && ./compiled_file"
["~/private/.*terraform%-prod.-/.-"] = {
name = "ExampleTerraform",
description = "All Folders in ~/private containing \"terraform-prod\"",
command = "terraform plan",
See the docs for more info.