I'm going after every day to become a better programmer, improving my skills with each passing day.
- 🌍 I live in Brazil
- ✉️ You can contact me at [email protected]
- 🚀 I'm currently working at home
- 🎓 I'm currently studying Computer Science at Unisul university
- 🧠 I'm improving the skills I already master and always looking to learn new things
I'm focused on improving my backend skills and becoming a badass programmer, being a reference on the subject. I'm study and improving my skills every day.
- Market Control (PHP, Laravel, Docker, MySQL and Telegram Chat Bot)
- GTA Helper (Vue.js, Ionic, typeScript)
- Piadas Quinta Série (Vue.js)
- Finanças na Mão (PHP, Laravel, Vue.js, CSS3, JS and MySQL, Go Lang, RabbitMQ, Redis)
- Mime Message Viewer (HTML, CSS3 and PHP)
- API backend Password Verify (PHP 8.1) Documentation
- Tetris (JS vanilla, HTML and CSS3)
- Tic Tac Toe (JS, HTML, CSS3, PHP and MySQL)
- Freight calculation with Correios (PHP 8.1)
- Local Storage Cache (TypeScript)
- Br Dev Tools (Kotlin)