I recently came accross this blog article "Cities with Nice Weather" by Jesse Onland.
He explains his approach on how to find the best cities for him to live in, in terms of climate.
What he's looking for is a city with an average temperature over a year close to that of Toronto, and a variance/range in temperature as small as possible.
His analysis is interesting, well written and organized, but the data he used is far from being exhaustive.
Indeed, the list he got from Wikipedia only shows temperature data for major cities, so he might be missing his dream city without knowing it...
Moreover, the list only provides temperature data. There is no information about wind speed and relative humidity, which are two important factors influencing the perceived temperature.
Let's try the same approach with another dataset, and see if we can draw the same conclusions.
Some imports for later:
%matplotlib inline
import warnings
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pycountry_convert as pc
from adjustText import adjust_text
from geopandas import GeoDataFrame
from meteostat import Normals, Point
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
Point.radius = 55_000 # Maximum radius for nearby stations in meters
plt.rcParams["figure.facecolor"] = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1)
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [20, 10]
plt.rcParams["legend.fontsize"] = "x-large"
plt.rcParams["axes.titlesize"] = "x-large"
plt.rcParams["axes.labelsize"] = "x-large"
plt.rcParams["xtick.labelsize"] = "x-large"
plt.rcParams["ytick.labelsize"] = "x-large"
pd.set_option("display.max_rows", None)
First, we start with getting a list of cities with the name, country, population and coordinates since we're going to need latitude and longitude to retrieve historical weather data later on.
This kind of data is fortunately quite easy to find, and more importantly, free.
is taken from opendatasoft. It contains information for 140,000 cities in the world.
, from the World Cities Database, contains the same kind of data than dataset_1
dataset_1 = pd.read_csv(r"./data/geonames-all-cities-with-a-population-1000.csv", sep=";", na_filter=False)
dataset_2 = pd.read_csv(r"./data/simplemaps_worldcities_basicv1.75.csv", sep=",", na_filter=False)
# We need to set na_filter=False since pandas will convert country code "NA" for Namibia as NaN...
Geoname ID | Name | ASCII Name | Alternate Names | Feature Class | Feature Code | Country Code | Country name EN | Country Code 2 | Admin1 Code | Admin2 Code | Admin3 Code | Admin4 Code | population | Elevation | DIgital Elevation Model | Timezone | Modification date | LABEL EN | Coordinates | |
0 | 8396129 | Sanjiang | Sanjiang | Sanjiang,Sanjiang Jiedao,Sanjiang Qu,san jiang... | P | PPLA3 | CN | China | 01 | 3402 | 0 | 14 | Asia/Shanghai | 2021-09-19 | China | 31.34813,118.36132 | ||||
1 | 8405692 | Xinmin | Xinmin | Xinmin,Xinmin Zhen,xin min,xin min zhen,新民,新民镇 | P | PPLA4 | CN | China | 33 | 8739734 | 28033 | 402 | Asia/Shanghai | 2022-04-12 | China | 30.39759,107.3895 | ||||
2 | 8416824 | Jindaoxia | Jindaoxia | Jindaoxia,Jindaoxia Zhen,jin dao xia,jin dao x... | P | PPLA4 | CN | China | 33 | 8739734 | 13752 | 323 | Asia/Shanghai | 2022-04-01 | China | 30.00528,106.65187 | ||||
3 | 8420197 | Jianlong | Jianlong | Jianlong,Jianlong Xiang,jian long,jian long xi... | P | PPLA4 | CN | China | 33 | 8739734 | 18151 | 276 | Asia/Shanghai | 2022-04-01 | China | 29.3586,106.18522 | ||||
4 | 8505210 | Jianhua | Jianhua | Bukui,Bukui Jiedao,Jianhua,Jianhua Qu,bo kui,b... | P | PPLA3 | CN | China | 08 | 2302 | 0 | 146 | Asia/Shanghai | 2022-03-12 | China | 47.35773,123.95977 |
Would be nice to split the Coordinates
dataset_1["Coordinates"] = dataset_1["Coordinates"].astype("string")
dataset_1[["lat", "lng"]] = dataset_1["Coordinates"].str.split(pat=",", n=1, expand=True)
dataset_1["lat"] = dataset_1["lat"].astype(float)
dataset_1["lng"] = dataset_1["lng"].astype(float)
We drop useless data:
"Geoname ID",
"Alternate Names",
"Feature Class",
"Feature Code",
"Country Code 2",
"Admin1 Code",
"Admin2 Code",
"Admin3 Code",
"Admin4 Code",
"DIgital Elevation Model",
"Modification date",
Some entries don't have a country name, we remove them:
dataset_1.query("`Country name EN` != ''", inplace=True)
Done with dataset_1
! Let's clean the second one:
city | city_ascii | lat | lng | country | iso2 | iso3 | admin_name | capital | population | id | |
0 | Tokyo | Tokyo | 35.6839 | 139.7744 | Japan | JP | JPN | Tōkyō | primary | 39105000 | 1392685764 |
1 | Jakarta | Jakarta | -6.2146 | 106.8451 | Indonesia | ID | IDN | Jakarta | primary | 35362000 | 1360771077 |
2 | Delhi | Delhi | 28.6667 | 77.2167 | India | IN | IND | Delhi | admin | 31870000 | 1356872604 |
3 | Manila | Manila | 14.6000 | 120.9833 | Philippines | PH | PHL | Manila | primary | 23971000 | 1608618140 |
4 | São Paulo | Sao Paulo | -23.5504 | -46.6339 | Brazil | BR | BRA | São Paulo | admin | 22495000 | 1076532519 |
Again, we drop useless columns:
dataset_2.drop(columns=["city", "iso2", "iso3", "admin_name", "capital", "id"], inplace=True)
Some cities lack population data, we remove them:
dataset_2 = dataset_2[dataset_2["population"].str.isnumeric()]
dataset_2["population"] = dataset_2["population"].astype(int)
Looks like dataset_1
is more exhaustive than dataset_2
print(dataset_1.shape, dataset_2.shape)
(139571, 6) (42143, 5)
Let's check the data for a small city in UK:
dataset_1.query("`Country Code` == 'GB' and `ASCII Name` == 'Portsmouth'")
ASCII Name | Country Code | Country name EN | population | lat | lng | |
66901 | Portsmouth | GB | United Kingdom | 194150 | 50.79899 | -1.09125 |
dataset_2.query("`country` == 'United Kingdom' and city_ascii == 'Portsmouth'")
city_ascii | lat | lng | country | population | |
2407 | Portsmouth | 50.8058 | -1.0872 | United Kingdom | 248440 |
Not the same figures but seems pretty close to reality.
What about Tokyo:
dataset_1.query("`Country Code` == 'JP' and `ASCII Name` == 'Tokyo'")
ASCII Name | Country Code | Country name EN | population | lat | lng | |
33145 | Tokyo | JP | Japan | 8336599 | 35.6895 | 139.69171 |
dataset_2.query("`country` == 'Japan' and city_ascii == 'Tokyo'")
city_ascii | lat | lng | country | population | |
0 | Tokyo | 35.6839 | 139.7744 | Japan | 39105000 |
This time, the difference is not negligible, there's a huge difference in terms of population size.
Looks like the dataset_1
considers the 23 wards that made up the boundaries of the historic city of Tokyo, while dataset_2
considers the greater Tokyo metropolitan area, which is spread over 3 prefectures...
We should notice the same issue with Manila, capital city of the Philippines:
dataset_1.query("`Country Code` == 'PH' and `ASCII Name` == 'Manila'")
ASCII Name | Country Code | Country name EN | population | lat | lng | |
16765 | Manila | PH | Philippines | 1600000 | 14.6042 | 120.9822 |
dataset_2.query("`country` == 'Philippines' and city_ascii == 'Manila'")
city_ascii | lat | lng | country | population | |
3 | Manila | 14.6 | 120.9833 | Philippines | 23971000 |
Yes, same issue: dataset_1
considers the Manila city, while dataset_2
gives data for the larger urban area of Metro Manila.
This explains why dataset_2
was smaller, it merges cities of large urban areas.
Last check with Singapore:
dataset_1.query("`Country Code` == 'SG' and `ASCII Name` == 'Singapore'")
ASCII Name | Country Code | Country name EN | population | lat | lng | |
9440 | Singapore | SG | Singapore | 3547809 | 1.28967 | 103.85007 |
dataset_2.query("`country` == 'Singapore'")
city_ascii | lat | lng | country | population | |
135 | Singapore | 1.3 | 103.8 | Singapore | 5271000 |
Both datasets seem outdated since the current population of Singapore is 6M, for both the country and the city.
Some data visualization would help us see if some cities/countries/continents are missing:
plt.scatter(x=dataset_1["lng"], y=dataset_1["lat"], s=dataset_1["population"] / 1e6)
People sure like living near the sea!
Same plot with dataset_2
this time:
plt.scatter(x=dataset_2["lng"], y=dataset_2["lat"], s=dataset_2["population"] / 1e6)
Since both datasets seem accurate enough, from now on we'll just keep the first dataset.
df = dataset_1.copy()
del dataset_1
del dataset_2
(139571, 6)
ASCII Name | Country Code | Country name EN | population | lat | lng | |
0 | Sanjiang | CN | China | 0 | 31.34813 | 118.36132 |
1 | Xinmin | CN | China | 28033 | 30.39759 | 107.38950 |
2 | Jindaoxia | CN | China | 13752 | 30.00528 | 106.65187 |
3 | Jianlong | CN | China | 18151 | 29.35860 | 106.18522 |
4 | Jianhua | CN | China | 0 | 47.35773 | 123.95977 |
We add a column for the continent code, which might be useful later:
df["Country Code"] = df["Country Code"].astype("string")
df.query("`Country Code` != 'TL'", inplace=True) # Remove Timor-Leste, not supported by pycountry
df.query("`Country Code` != 'EH'", inplace=True) # Remove Western Sahara, not supported by pycountry
df["Continent Code"] = df.apply(lambda row: pc.country_alpha2_to_continent_code(row["Country Code"]), axis=1)
Number of cities per continent:
df["Continent Code"].value_counts()
(139552, 7)
EU 69029
NA 29755
AS 24765
SA 6701
AF 4889
OC 4413
Name: Continent Code, dtype: int64
We now need some historical weather data.
As explained earlier, we can't use this list since it only contains data for "big" cities.
We need historical weather data of the last decade for all the cities shortlisted.
Only monthly statistics are needed since temperatures don't change significantly within a month. We'll compute the variance in temperature of a city only from the statistical monthly weather data.
OpenWeather provides an API with statistical monthly weather data (temp, humidity, wind, etc.) for any month of the entire year, but it's way too expensive for us.
For now, we'll use Meteostat, an open platform which provides free access to historical weather and climate data. Unfortunately, it lacks information about wind speed or humidity.
Getting weather data for Tokyo is straightforward:
tokyo = Point(lat=35.6839, lon=139.7744)
data = Normals(tokyo, 1991, 2020).fetch()
tavg | tmin | tmax | prcp | wspd | pres | tsun | |
month | |||||||
1 | 6.3 | 2.6 | 10.0 | 59.8 | NaN | 1015.9 | NaN |
2 | 7.0 | 3.1 | 10.8 | 56.6 | NaN | 1015.9 | NaN |
3 | 10.0 | 5.9 | 14.0 | 116.6 | NaN | 1015.1 | NaN |
4 | 14.8 | 10.7 | 19.0 | 134.1 | NaN | 1013.9 | NaN |
5 | 19.6 | 15.7 | 23.5 | 139.9 | NaN | 1011.9 | NaN |
6 | 22.8 | 19.5 | 26.0 | 168.0 | NaN | 1009.0 | NaN |
7 | 26.7 | 23.4 | 30.0 | 156.5 | NaN | 1008.6 | NaN |
8 | 28.1 | 24.7 | 31.5 | 154.7 | NaN | 1010.2 | NaN |
9 | 24.4 | 21.2 | 27.6 | 222.4 | NaN | 1013.0 | NaN |
10 | 19.0 | 15.8 | 22.2 | 231.3 | NaN | 1016.6 | NaN |
11 | 13.8 | 10.3 | 17.2 | 96.5 | NaN | 1018.1 | NaN |
12 | 8.7 | 5.0 | 12.4 | 58.1 | NaN | 1016.9 | NaN |
data.plot(y=["tavg", "tmin", "tmax"])
plt.ylabel("Temperature °C")
Pretty big variations over the year for Tokyo!
Having lived there for a few weeks, the tmax
data is closer to the my perceived temperature than the tavg
We code a simple function to get weather data for a specific location:
def get_mean_std_temperature_for_loc(lat: float, lon: float):
pt = Point(lat=lat, lon=lon)
with warnings.catch_warnings(): # disable some meteostat warnings
data = Normals(pt, 1991, 2020).fetch()
except pd.errors.ParserError: # escape some meteostat bugs
return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan
mean_ = data["tmax"].mean()
std_ = data["tmax"].std()
tmax_ = data["tmax"].max()
range_ = data["tmax"].max() - data["tmax"].min()
return mean_, std_, tmax_, range_
Gathering weather data for 140,000 cities takes some time. We keep the biggest cities:
df.query("population >= 100000", inplace=True)
We iterate over cities in the dataframe and get weather data. Not the most efficient way to do it but it works...:
Tmean = []
Tstd = []
Tmax = []
Trange = []
for row in tqdm(df.itertuples(), total=df.shape[0]):
mean_, std_, tmax_, range_ = get_mean_std_temperature_for_loc(row.lat, row.lng)
df["Tmean"] = Tmean
df["Tstd"] = Tstd
df["Tmax"] = Tmax
df["Trange"] = Trange
Some cities don't have any weather data at all, we drop them:
df.dropna(subset=["Tmean", "Tstd", "Tmax"], inplace=True)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2)
df[["Tmean"]].plot.kde(ax=axes[0, 0])
axes[0, 0].set_xlabel("Mean temperature over a year")
axes[0, 0].get_legend().remove()
df[["Tmax"]].plot.kde(ax=axes[0, 1])
axes[0, 1].set_xlabel("Max temperature over a year")
axes[0, 1].get_legend().remove()
df[["Tstd"]].plot.kde(ax=axes[1, 1])
axes[1, 1].set_xlabel("Std dev in temperature over a year")
axes[1, 1].get_legend().remove()
df[["Trange"]].plot.kde(ax=axes[1, 0])
axes[1, 0].set_xlabel("Range in temperature over a year")
axes[1, 0].get_legend().remove()
Out of curiosity, let's get the extreme values in temperature:
df.query("Tmean == Tmean.max() or Tmean == Tmean.min()")[["ASCII Name", "Country name EN", "Tmean", "Tstd"]]
ASCII Name | Country name EN | Tmean | Tstd | |
37323 | Mecca | Saudi Arabia | 38.683333 | 4.705864 |
49692 | Yakutsk | Russian Federation | -2.883333 | 22.694887 |
Cities with the most stable/unstable temperatures over a year:
df.query("Tstd == Tstd.min() or Tstd == Tstd.max()")[["ASCII Name", "Country name EN", "Tmean", "Tstd"]]
ASCII Name | Country name EN | Tmean | Tstd | |
49692 | Yakutsk | Russian Federation | -2.883333 | 22.694887 |
122628 | Jayapura | Indonesia | 32.241667 | 0.317543 |
Yakutsk seems like a lovely city to live in...
Get some cities to plot later:
cities_to_plot = [
df.query("`ASCII Name` == 'Reykjavik' and `Country name EN` == 'Iceland'"),
df.query("`ASCII Name` == 'Yakutsk' and `Country name EN` == 'Russian Federation'"),
df.query("`ASCII Name` == 'Edinburgh' and `Country name EN` == 'United Kingdom'"),
df.query("`ASCII Name` == 'Paris' and `Country name EN` == 'France'"),
df.query("`ASCII Name` == 'Oslo' and `Country name EN` == 'Norway'"),
df.query("`ASCII Name` == 'Stockholm' and `Country name EN` == 'Sweden'"),
df.query("`ASCII Name` == 'Helsinki' and `Country name EN` == 'Finland'"),
df.query("`ASCII Name` == 'Tokyo' and `Country name EN` == 'Japan'"),
df.query("`ASCII Name` == 'Toronto' and `Country name EN` == 'Canada'"),
df.query("`ASCII Name` == 'Singapore' and `Country name EN` == 'Singapore'"),
assert all(not city.empty for city in cities_to_plot)
plt.scatter(df["Tmean"], df["Tstd"], s=5, c="k", marker=".")
plt.xlabel("Mean temperature")
plt.ylabel("Temperature standard deviation")
for city in cities_to_plot:
label=f'{city["ASCII Name"].iloc[0]} ({city["Country Code"].iloc[0]})',
Nice inverse correlation!
We plot the same data on a map:
world = gpd.read_file(gpd.datasets.get_path("naturalearth_lowres"))
ax = world.boundary.plot(edgecolor="black")
sc = plt.scatter(x=df["lng"], y=df["lat"], c=df["Tmean"], s=100, cmap="winter")
plt.colorbar(sc, label="Mean temperature °C")
Seems like many cities in Africa and South America disappeared for lack of data.
Disclaimer: everything below is based only on my personal preferences...
Set some threshold to remove cities with warm weather:
df_backup = df.copy()
df.query("Tmean <= 17 and Tmax <= 30 and Tstd <= 10 and Trange <= 14", inplace=True)
Most shortlisted cities are in Europe:
print(df.groupby(["Continent Code"])["Country name EN"].value_counts())
(37, 11)
Continent Code Country name EN
EU United Kingdom 28
Ireland 2
France 1
Iceland 1
NA Canada 3
OC New Zealand 2
Name: Country name EN, dtype: int64
Canada shortlisted cities were under the 2021 heat wave. No thanks, I'll pass.
df_europe = df.query("`Continent Code` == 'EU'")
df_nz = df.query("`Continent Code` == 'OC'")
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2)
world.boundary.plot(ax=ax1, edgecolor="black")
world.boundary.plot(ax=ax2, edgecolor="black")
sc1 = ax1.scatter(x=df_europe["lng"], y=df_europe["lat"], c=df_europe["Tmean"], s=100, cmap="winter")
sc2 = ax2.scatter(x=df_nz["lng"], y=df_nz["lat"], c=df_nz["Tmean"], s=100, cmap="winter")
ax1.set_xlim(-25, 5)
ax1.set_ylim(40, 70)
ax2.set_xlim(160, 180)
ax2.set_ylim(-50, -30)
cbar = fig.colorbar(sc2, ax=[ax1, ax2])
cbar.set_label("Mean temperature °C")
ax2.set_title("New Zealand")
I was expecting to see Ireland and Scotland so I'm not surprised.
I however thought some cities from Norway/Sweden/Finland would have been shortlisted. Looks like they have a higher temperature range:
df_shortlisted = pd.concat((df_europe, df_nz))
df_nordic = df_backup.query(
"`Country name EN` == 'Norway' or `Country name EN` == 'Sweden' or `Country name EN` == 'Finland'"
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2)
df_nordic[["Tmean"]].plot.kde(ax=axes[0, 0])
df_shortlisted[["Tmean"]].plot.kde(ax=axes[0, 0])
axes[0, 0].legend(["Nordic (NO/SE/FI)", "IS/IE/UK/FR/NZ"])
axes[0, 0].set_xlabel("Mean temperature over a year")
df_nordic[["Tmax"]].plot.kde(ax=axes[0, 1])
df_shortlisted[["Tmax"]].plot.kde(ax=axes[0, 1])
axes[0, 1].legend(["Nordic (NO/SE/FI)", "IS/IE/UK/FR/NZ"])
axes[0, 1].set_xlabel("Max temperature over a year")
df_nordic[["Tstd"]].plot.kde(ax=axes[1, 1])
df_shortlisted[["Tstd"]].plot.kde(ax=axes[1, 1])
axes[1, 1].legend(["Nordic (NO/SE/FI)", "IS/IE/UK/FR/NZ"])
axes[1, 1].set_xlabel("Std dev in temperature over a year")
df_nordic[["Trange"]].plot.kde(ax=axes[1, 0])
df_shortlisted[["Trange"]].plot.kde(ax=axes[1, 0])
axes[1, 0].legend(["Nordic (NO/SE/FI)", "IS/IE/UK/FR/NZ"])
axes[1, 0].set_xlabel("Range in temperature over a year")
UK/IS/IE seem to have the "best" weather for me.
Possible future steps: Include pressure/wind to have the perceived temperature or heat index.