Author: Jonas Beuchert
This script shows how to obtain a GNSS position fix from an 11-millisecond raw GNSS signal snapshot without any prior knowledge about the position of the receiver and only coarse knowledge about the time. The algorithm is adapted from
Ignacio Fernández-Hernández and Kai Borre. “Snapshot positioning without initial information”. In: GPS Solutions 20.4 (Mar. 2016), pp. 605–616.
There is a discussion in another repository with more details on my cold snapshot GNSS implementation.
Clone snapshot-gnss-algorithms to your machine.
Follow the setup instructions for snapshot-gnss-algorithms.
Add the files from this repository to the cloned directory.
Download some exemplary data to the cloned directory. Use the file GPSdata-DiscreteComponents-fs38_192-if9_55.bin from the Extras Archive File here.
Run with Python 3, e.g., open a terminal and execute python
in the cloned directory.
SnapperGPS was supported by an EPSRC IAA Technology Fund.
Additionally, Jonas Beuchert is supported by the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Autonomous Intelligent Machines and Systems.