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Releases: JordanLeich/Ultimate-Calculator

Ultimate Calculator v7.5

27 Sep 05:35
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Ultimate Calculator v7.0

24 Sep 20:16
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v7.0 Changes

  1. New gaming calculators
  2. New download speed/time calculator
  3. New roman numeral converter
  4. New probability calculator
  5. Removed exe version, Python is now the main requirement to use this project

Ultimate Calculator v6.3

05 Sep 16:21
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v6.3 Patch Notes 🔢

  1. Certain areas for outputting results now have fixed formatting and coloring
  2. Readme now has improved formatting and instructions for installation
  3. Removed winsound as a requirement since this is preinstalled for those with python and windows

Ultimate Calculator v6.2

07 Jul 00:33
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v6.2 Patch Notes 🔢

  1. A total of 9 new calculators have been added while others have been improved
  2. User input is improved and handled better now
  3. Tons of code has been tossed due to unused or unnecessary code and simplified functions being introduced

Ultimate Calculator v6.1

27 Jun 20:09
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v6.1 Patch Notes ❗

  1. An executable version of this project has been created for those with windows and who do not have python installed on their system and still want to use this project. This can be found here.
  2. New icon has been added for the executable
  3. Winsound error has been fixed for macOS and Linux users
  4. API has been greatly improved for conversions and does not require key.json anymore
  5. File conversions have been sadly removed due to module errors while compiling the pyinstaller executable
  6. Donation options have been added for those who would like to support this project

Contributions 🏅

Special thanks to @PeanutbutterWarrior for all of the recent reworking, tweaks, and contributions for this past and current release!

Ultimate Calculator v6.0

22 Jun 15:14
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v6.0 Patch Notes ❕

  1. API file has been greatly improved and now requires the user to validate their own key instead of just using a key priorly made by the developers
  2. Bitwise calculator and binary converter have been added
  3. Remade the arithmetic calculator to be capable of using brackets now
  4. Docstrings and comments have been added all-around to help newcomers find out what important sections of our code does
  5. Big changes to how most of the UI looks while running the program to reduce clutterness
  6. Huge improvements, tweaks, and removal of unnecessary code have been made to get rid of recursion problems

Ultimate Calculator v5.5

16 Jun 23:34
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v5.5 Patch Notes ❗

  1. Lots of code has been cleaned up and optimized.
  2. Added a BMI (body mass index) calculator, video & audio converters, geometry calculator, and many reworks to how certain calculators/converters work.
  3. To help reduce clutter, all calculators, conversions, and modules have now been stored in their respective folders.
  4. User input validation has been greatly changed and improved using a separate file

Biggest Contributor 😄

@bot-coder05, reformatted almost every calculator and converter, helped enhance many calculators and created to improved user input validation.

Ultimate Calculator v5.0

12 Jun 00:55
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v5.0 Patch Notes ❗

  1. Many brand new converters have been added to such as speed, sound frequency, digital storage, and much more.
  2. Major changes have been made to our GUI applications such as dark mode, button shortcuts, small bug fixes, and better readability.
  3. Small tweaks and deletions of unused code have been made to all calculators and converters.
  4. GUI preview added to readme file along with other small changes.

Biggest Contributors 🥇

Ultimate Calculator v4.0

07 Jun 17:22
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v4.0 Patch Notes

  1. Many new calculators have been added such as finding midpoint, distance between two points, heads or tails game, random integer generator.
  2. GUI application has been completed and functions properly now.
  3. Many improvements to readability made by removing unused code and renaming ugly variables.
  4. Fixed some small errors and bugs with improved if statements and try and except statements.
  5. Small reworks to how certain calculators work along with replacing the old file with a new and improved calculator that's allows for multiple numbers in one arithmetic problem.

Ultimate Calculator v3.5

04 Jun 21:33
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v3.5 Patch Notes

  1. GUI application has been added and is still in progress.
  2. Fixed tons of spacing, formatting, and typos issues.
  3. Preview section has been added to the file.
  4. Added with a couple of useful calculators.
  5. API has been added and functions beautifully.
  6. Error handling has been greatly approved throughout multiple files.
  7. time conversions are now finished and work beautifully.