Django Impersonate Auth is a simple drop in authentication backend that allows superusers to impersonate regular users in the system.
Impersonation is handled by signing in using the target user's username and the superuser's username and password, separated by a specific character, as the password.
To install this library, you can simply run
pip install -e git+
Then add
setting. If you don't currently have a value
, you can add this to your settings file, which
includes the default backend plus
the impersonation backend (both are required to function correctly):
AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = [ 'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend', 'impersonate_auth.backends.ImpersonationBackend', ]
Using the default separator, a colon, here is an example of how to impersonate another (non superuser) user:
- Normal User:Username:
- Super User:Username:
- Super User impersonating Normal User:Username:
The default separator is a colon (:), but this can be changed using the
setting. The following code changes it to an
exclamation mark:
With this setting, in the example above, Super User would impersonate Normal
User using the password superuser!987654321
Important: because the username and password are separated by this character, it's essential to choose a character that would never be found in a username. For most login purposes, the colon : is a good choice because it is neither a legal character for a Django username or for an email address. [1]
The package provides a mixin, ImpersonationBackendMixin
, which should
provide all the necessary code to implement impersonation for any authentication
backend which uses a combination of username and password. The backend uses the
property of the user model, so if you use a custom User model
which uses a different field (for example, E-mail address) then it will still
work correctly.
Adding impersonation to your custom backend just means creating a new class that
extends both your existing and ImpersonationBackendMixin
. For example,
imagine a very insecure authentication backend called SillyBackend
where the
password is simply the username spelled backwards:
from django.contrib.auth.backends import ModelBackend from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model class SillyBackend(ModelBackend): ''' A silly backend where the password for a user is their email address backwards. ''' def authenticate(self, request=None, username=None, password=None): UserModel = get_user_model() try: silly_user = UserModel.objects.get_by_natural_key(username) except UserModel.DoesNotExist: silly_user = None if silly_user and password and password[::-1] == username: return silly_user
In order to implement the impersonation functionality, you would add the
following code to your
from impersonate_auth.backends import ImpersonationBackendMixin class SillyImpersonationBackend(ImpersonationBackendMixin, SillyBackend): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SillyImpersonationBackend, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
No other coding needed! Just make sure to add
to your
In order to log or track impersonation, each time you log in using an
impersonation login, a user_impersonated
signal is sent. If it fails, a
signal is triggered. Note that these signals are
only triggered if the login would have been a success with the correct login.
That is, they are not triggered if the user you are trying to impersonate does
not exist or would not be available for some other reason (e.g. they are
Thanks to Daniele Faraglia <> and the django-environ project <>. Both my .travis.yml file and this readme were partially modeled on the respective files from that project.
User fdemmer on Reddit pointed out that if passwords contain the separator (normally a colon) this would cause an error as the code was written. It's fixed in this version. <>
[1] | Yes, colons are allowed, but only in the quoted string area of an
email address. Since that's used just for display and not the actual email
address, we can (hopefully) assume that users won't include it. Other
characters that fall under this characters include (),:;<>[\] See RFC 3696, Section 4.1:
<> |