Examples and Tutorials for the JuliaQuantumControl organization
The tutorials and examples are organized in the tutorials
and examples
subfolders. Each subfolder contains a script file that is runnable as a test and can be converted to .md
and .ipynb
files via Literate.jl.
This conversion should happen on a dedicated multi-core workstation, not CI. This is to show the examples under realistic conditions. For deployment, the converted files will be copied into the docs/src
folder, so that they can be build into HTML without rerunning them. Building and deploying the HTML happens in CI.
Run make
after checking out this repository.
In order to deploy the tutorial and example to https://juliaquantumcontrol.github.io/QuantumControlExamples.jl/, do the following on a workstation:
git checkout -b 2024-01
JULIA_NUM_THREADS=auto make all
git add .
git commit -m "Build 2024-01"
git push origin 2024-01
This locally runs the examples and writes them to the docs/src
folder. Committing and pushing the resulting files to a branch named according to YYYY-MM
will then build and deploy the website automatically.