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Merge pull request #155 from JuliaReach/mforets/review_reduction
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Refactor + small improvements in order reduction functions
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mforets authored May 5, 2020
2 parents 4819c3b + d424fc5 commit 5a8aa38
Showing 1 changed file with 81 additions and 76 deletions.
157 changes: 81 additions & 76 deletions src/Flowpipes/setops.jl
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abstract type AbstractReductionMethod end

# These methods split the given zonotope Z into two zonotopes, K and L, where
# K contains the most "representative" generators and L contains the generators
# that are reduced, Lred using a box overapproximation
struct GIR05 <: AbstractReductionMethod end
struct COMB03 <: AbstractReductionMethod end

const _COMB03 = COMB03()
const _GIR05 = GIR05()

# algorithm selection
_reduce_order(Z::Zonotope, r::Number) = _reduce_order_GIR05(Z, r) # default
_reduce_order(Z::Zonotope, r::Number, ::GIR05) = _reduce_order_GIR05(Z, r)
_reduce_order(Z::Zonotope, r::Number, ::COMB03) = _reduce_order_COMB03(Z, r)

# Implements zonotope order reduction method from [COMB03]
# We follow the notation from [YS18]
function _reduce_order_COMB03(Z::Zonotope{N}, r::Number) where {N}
r >= 1 || throw(ArgumentError("the target order should be at least 1, but it is $r"))
c =
G = Z.generators
n, p = size(G)

# r is bigger than the order of Z => don't reduce
(r * n >= p) && return Z

# split Z into K and L, where K contains the most "representative" generators
# and L contains the generators that are reduced, Lred

# this algorithm sort generators by decreasing 2-norm
weights = zeros(N, p)
@inbounds for i in 1:p
weights[i] = norm(view(G, :, i), 2)
# return the indices of the generators in G (= columns) sorted according to the COMB03 method
# the generator index with highest score goes first
function _weighted_gens!(indices, G::AbstractMatrix{N}, ::COMB03) where {N}
p = size(G, 2)
weights = Vector{N}(undef, p)
@inbounds for j in 1:p
v = view(G, :, j)
weights[j] = norm(v, 2)
indices = Vector{Int}(undef, p)
sortperm!(indices, weights, rev=true, initialized=false)
return indices

# the first m generators with greatest weight
m = floor(Int, n * (r - 1))
# return the indices of the generators in G (= columns) sorted according to the GIR05 method
# the generator index with highest score goes first
function _weighted_gens!(indices, G::AbstractMatrix{N}, ::GIR05) where {N}
n, p = size(G)
weights = Vector{N}(undef, p)
@inbounds for j in 1:p
aux_norm_1 = zero(N)
aux_norm_inf = zero(N)
for i in 1:n
abs_Gij = abs(G[i, j])
aux_norm_1 += abs_Gij
if aux_norm_inf < abs_Gij
aux_norm_inf = abs_Gij
weights[j] = aux_norm_1 - aux_norm_inf
sortperm!(indices, weights, rev=true, initialized=false)
return indices

# compute interval hull of L
# compute interval hull of the generators of G (= columns) corresponding to `indices`
function _interval_hull(G::AbstractMatrix{N}, indices) where {N}
n, p = size(G)
Lred = zeros(N, n, n)
@inbounds for i in 1:n
for j in indices[m+1:end]
for j in indices
Lred[i, i] += abs(G[i, j])
return Lred

if isone(r)
return Zonotope(c, Lred)
# implementation for static arrays
function _interval_hull(G::SMatrix{n, p, N, L}, indices) where {n, p, N, L}
Lred = zeros(MMatrix{n, n, N})
@inbounds for i in 1:n
for j in indices
Lred[i, i] += abs(G[i, j])
return SMatrix{n, n}(Lred)

K = G[:, indices[1:m]]
Gred = hcat(K, Lred)
return Zonotope(c, Gred)
# given an n x p matrix G and a vector of m integer indices with m <= p,
# concatenate the columns of G given by `indices` with the matrix Lred
function _hcat_KLred(G::AbstractMatrix, indices, Lred::AbstractMatrix)
K = view(G, :, indices)
return hcat(K, Lred)

# Implements zonotope order reduction method from [GIR05]
# implementation for static arrays
function _hcat_KLred(G::SMatrix{n, p, N, L1}, indices, Lred::SMatrix{n, n, N, L2}) where {n, p, N, L1, L2}
m = length(indices)
K = SMatrix{n, m}(view(G, :, indices))
return hcat(K, Lred)

# Implements zonotope order reduction method from [COMB03]
# We follow the notation from [YS18]
function _reduce_order_GIR05(Z::Zonotope{N}, r::Number) where {N}
function _reduce_order_COMB03(Z::Zonotope{N}, r::Number) where {N}
r >= 1 || throw(ArgumentError("the target order should be at least 1, but it is $r"))
c =
G = Z.generators
Expand All @@ -489,76 +524,46 @@ function _reduce_order_GIR05(Z::Zonotope{N}, r::Number) where {N}
# r is bigger than the order of Z => don't reduce
(r * n >= p) && return Z

# split Z into K and L, where K contains the most "representative" generators
# and L contains the generators that are reduced, Lred

# this algorithm sort generators by ||⋅||₁ - ||⋅||∞ difference
weights = zeros(N, p)
@inbounds for i in 1:p
v = view(G, :, i)
weights[i] = norm(v, 1) - norm(v, Inf)
# this algorithm sort generators by decreasing 2-norm
indices = Vector{Int}(undef, p)
sortperm!(indices, weights, rev=true, initialized=false)
_weighted_gens!(indices, G, _COMB03)

# the first m generators with greatest weight
# the first m generators have greatest weight
m = floor(Int, n * (r - 1))

# compute interval hull of L
Lred = zeros(N, n, n)
@inbounds for i in 1:n
for j in indices[m+1:end]
Lred[i, i] += abs(G[i, j])
Lred = _interval_hull(G, view(indices, (m+1):p))

if isone(r)
return Zonotope(c, Lred)
isone(r) && return Zonotope(c, Lred)

K = G[:, indices[1:m]]
Gred = hcat(K, Lred)
Gred = _hcat_KLred(G, view(indices, 1:m), Lred)
return Zonotope(c, Gred)

# implementation for zonotopes using static arrays
function _reduce_order_GIR05(Z::Zonotope{N, SVector{n, N}, SMatrix{n, p, N, LM}}, r::Number) where {N, n, p, LM}
# Implements zonotope order reduction method from [GIR05]
# We follow the notation from [YS18]
function _reduce_order_GIR05(Z::Zonotope{N}, r::Number) where {N}
r >= 1 || throw(ArgumentError("the target order should be at least 1, but it is $r"))
c =
G = Z.generators
n, p = size(G)

# r is bigger than the order of Z => don't reduce
(r * n >= p) && return Z

# split Z into K and L, where K contains the most "representative" generators
# and L contains the generators that are reduced, Lred

# this algorithm sort generators by ||⋅||₁ - ||⋅||∞ difference
weights = zeros(N, p)
@inbounds for i in 1:p
v = view(G, :, i)
weights[i] = norm(v, 1) - norm(v, Inf)
# this algorithm sorts generators by ||⋅||₁ - ||⋅||∞ difference
indices = Vector{Int}(undef, p)
sortperm!(indices, weights, rev=true, initialized=false)
_weighted_gens!(indices, G, _GIR05)

# the first m generators with greatest weight
# the first m generators have greatest weight
m = floor(Int, n * (r - 1))

# compute interval hull of L
Lred = zeros(MMatrix{n, n, N})
@inbounds for i in 1:n
for j in indices[m+1:end]
Lred[i, i] += abs(G[i, j])
Lred = _interval_hull(G, view(indices, (m+1):p))

if isone(r)
return Zonotope(c, SMatrix{n, n}(Lred))
isone(r) && return Zonotope(c, Lred)

K = SMatrix{n, m}(view(G, :, indices[1:m]))
Gred = hcat(K, Lred)
Gred = _hcat_KLred(G, view(indices, 1:m), Lred)
return Zonotope(c, Gred)

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