1610 commits
to master
since this release
ReachabilityAnalysis v0.4.0
Closed issues:
- HA - Clocked linear dynamics (#7)
- Fix error msg handling in incorrect time span (#68)
- Multithreading for mixed flowpipes (#105)
- Update references (#114)
- Check _reduce_order function (from setops.jl) (#120)
- Admit interval for jitter in HACLD1 (#131)
Merged pull requests:
- Update solve.jl (#118) (@mforets)
- revised order reduction methods (#121) (@mforets)
- Update references (#122) (@mforets)
- undef for Flowpipe (#123) (@mforets)
- update GLGM06 (#124) (@mforets)
- Non-recursive implementation for ASB07 (#125) (@mforets)
- Fix rsetrep in ASB07 + add test (#126) (@mforets)
- add more accurate conversion to zonotope from lazy affine map (#127) (@mforets)
- fix reduction for ASB07 (#128) (@mforets)
- Update algorithm defaults + docs + cleanup (#129) (@mforets)
- Add value type parameters (#130) (@mforets)
- Cleanup tspan conversions (#133) (@mforets)
- Generalize jitter in clocked systems (#134) (@mforets)
- Lazily shift flowpipes in time triggered problems (#135) (@mforets)
- Fix tspan for Shifted flowpipes (#140) (@mforets)
- Add plot recipe for lazily shifted flowpipe (#141) (@mforets)
- Fix number of stored sets in switched system (#142) (@mforets)
- Update algorithms for reachability with inputs (#143) (@mforets)
- Fix BOX (#144) (@mforets)
- Bump LazySets (#150) (@schillic)
- Use artifact cache on Travis (#151) (@schillic)
- Zonotope splitting methods for static arrays (#152) (@mforets)
- Update Project.toml (#154) (@mforets)