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Alessandro Cheli committed Jun 26, 2024
1 parent aa7363c commit e338734
Showing 1 changed file with 197 additions and 0 deletions.
197 changes: 197 additions & 0 deletions test/egraphs.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
using Metatheory
using SymbolicUtils
const SU = SymbolicUtils
using SymbolicUtils: Symbolic, BasicSymbolic, unflatten, toterm, Term
using SymbolicUtils: monadic, diadic
using InteractiveUtils

EGraphs.preprocess(t::Symbolic) = toterm(unflatten(t))

Equational rewrite rules for optimizing expressions
opt_theory = @theory a b c x y z begin
a + (b + c) == (a + b) + c
a * (b * c) == (a * b) * c
x + 0 --> x
a + b == b + a
a - a => 0 # is it ok?

0 - x --> -x

a * b == b * a
a * x + a * y == a*(x+y)
-1 * a --> -a
a + (-1 * b) == a - b
x * 1 --> x
x * 0 --> 0
x/x --> 1
# fraction rules
x^-1 == 1/x
1/x * a == a/x # is this needed?
x / (x / y) --> y
x * (y / z) == (x * y) / z
(a/b) + (c/b) --> (a+c)/b
(a / b) / c == a/(b*c)

# TODO prohibited rule
x / x --> 1

# pow rules
a * a == a^2
(a^b)^c == a^(b*c)
a^b * a^c == a^(b+c)
a^b / a^c == a^(b-c)
(a*b)^c == a^c * b^c

# logarithmic rules
# TODO variables are non-zero
log(x::Number) => log(x)
log(x * y) == log(x) + log(y)
log(x / y) == log(x) - log(y)
log(x^y) == y * log(x)
x^(log(y)) == y^(log(x))

# trig functions
sin(x)/cos(x) == tan(x)
cos(x)/sin(x) == cot(x)
sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2 --> 1
sin(2a) == 2sin(a)cos(a)

sin(x)*cos(y) - cos(x)*sin(y) --> sin(x - y)
# hyperbolic trigonometric
# are these optimizing at all? dont think so
# sinh(x) == (ℯ^x - ℯ^(-x))/2
# csch(x) == 1/sinh(x)
# cosh(x) == (ℯ^x + ℯ^(-x))/2
# sech(x) == 1/cosh(x)
# sech(x) == 2/(ℯ^x + ℯ^(-x))
# tanh(x) == sinh(x)/cosh(x)
# tanh(x) == (ℯ^x - ℯ^(-x))/(ℯ^x + ℯ^(-x))
# coth(x) == 1/tanh(x)
# coth(x) == (ℯ^x + ℯ^-x)/(ℯ^x - ℯ^(-x))

# cosh(x)^2 - sinh(x)^2 --> 1
# tanh(x)^2 + sech(x)^2 --> 1
# coth(x)^2 - csch(x)^2 --> 1

# asinh(z) == log(z + √(z^2 + 1))
# acosh(z) == log(z + √(z^2 - 1))
# atanh(z) == log((1+z)/(1-z))/2
# acsch(z) == log((1+√(1+z^2)) / z )
# asech(z) == log((1 + √(1-z^2)) / z )
# acoth(z) == log( (z+1)/(z-1) )/2

# folding
x::Number * y::Number => x*y
x::Number + y::Number => x+y
x::Number / y::Number => x/y
x::Number - y::Number => x-y
# opt_theory = @theory a b c x y begin
# a * x == x * a
# a * x + a * y == a*(x+y)
# -1 * a == -a
# a + -b --> a - b
# -b + a --> b - a
# end

# See
# *
# *
# *
# Measure the cost of expressions in terms of number of ASM instructions

const op_costs = Dict()

const types = [(Int64, Integer), (Float64, Real), (ComplexF64, Complex)]

const io = IOBuffer()

for f in vcat(monadic, [-])
z = get!(op_costs, nameof(f), Dict())
for (t, at) in types
InteractiveUtils.code_native(io, f, (t,))
catch e
z[(t,)] = z[(at,)] = 1
str = String(take!(io))
z[(t,)] = z[(at,)] = length(split(str, "\n"))

for f in vcat(diadic, [+, -, *, /, //, ^])
z = get!(op_costs, nameof(f), Dict())
for (t1, at1) in types, (t2, at2) in types
InteractiveUtils.code_native(io, f, (t1, t2))
catch e
z[(t1, t2)] = z[(at1, at2)] = z[(at1, t2)] = z[(t1, at2)] = 1
str = String(take!(io))
z[(t1, t2)] = z[(at1, at2)] = z[(at1, t2)] = z[(t1, at2)] = length(split(str, "\n"))

function getopcost(f::Function, types::Tuple)
sym = nameof(f)
if haskey(op_costs, sym) && haskey(op_costs[sym], types)
return op_costs[sym][types]

# print("$f $types | ")
io = IOBuffer()
InteractiveUtils.code_native(io, f, types)
catch e
op_costs[sym][types] = 1
return 1
str = String(take!(io))
c = length(split(str, "\n"))
!haskey(op_costs, sym) && (op_costs[sym] = Dict())
op_costs[sym][types] = c

getopcost(f, types::Tuple) = get(get(op_costs, f, Dict()), types, 1)

function costfun(n::VecExpr, op, children_costs::Vector{Float64})
v_isexpr(n) || return 1
# types = Tuple(map(x -> getdata(g[x], SymtypeAnalysis, Real), args))
types = Tuple([Float64 for i in 1:v_arity(n)])
opc = getopcost(op, types)
opc + sum(children_costs)

denoisescalars(x, atol=1e-11) = Postwalk(Chain([
# 0 - x --> -x
@acrule *(~x::Real, sin(~y)) => 0 where isapprox(x, 0; atol=atol)
@acrule *(~x::Real, cos(~y)) => 0 where isapprox(x, 0; atol=atol)
@acrule +(~x::Real, ~y) => y where isapprox(x, 0; atol=atol)
@acrule +(~x::Real, ~y) => y where isapprox(x, 0; atol=atol)

function optimize(ex::Symbolic; params=SaturationParams(), atol=1e-13, verbose=false, kws...)
# ex = simplify(denoisescalars(ex, atol))
# println(ex)
# readline()

g = EGraph{BasicSymbolic}(ex)

# display(g.classes);println();

report = saturate!(g, opt_theory, params)
verbose && @info report
extr = extract!(g, costfun)
return extr

@syms x y z

t = Term(+, [Term(*, [z, x]), Term(*, [z, y])])


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