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bowenszhu committed May 1, 2024
1 parent 306c5b3 commit eaa99fb
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Showing 2 changed files with 213 additions and 199 deletions.
381 changes: 197 additions & 184 deletions test/rulesets.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,200 +1,213 @@
using Random: shuffle, seed!
using SymbolicUtils: getdepth, Rewriters, Term

@testset "Chain, Postwalk and Fixpoint" begin
@syms w z α::Real β::Real
# @testset "Chain, Postwalk and Fixpoint" begin
# @syms w z α::Real β::Real

# r1 = @rule ~x + ~x => 2 * (~x)
# r2 = @acrule ~x * +(~~ys) => sum(map(y -> ~x * y, ~~ys))

# rset = Rewriters.Postwalk(Rewriters.Chain([r2]))
# @test getdepth(rset) == typemax(Int)

# ex = 2 * (w + w + α + β)

# @eqtest rset(ex) == (((2 * w) + (2 * w)) + (2 * α)) + (2 * β)
# @eqtest Rewriters.Fixpoint(rset)(ex) == ((2 * (2 * w)) + (2 * α)) + (2 * β)
# end

# @testset "Numeric" begin
# @syms a::Integer b c d x::Real y::Number
# @eqtest simplify(Term{Real}(conj, [x])) == x
# @eqtest simplify(Term{Real}(real, [x])) == x
# @eqtest simplify(Term{Real}(imag, [x])) == 0
# @eqtest simplify(Term{Real}(imag, [y])) == imag(y)
# @eqtest simplify(x - y) == x + -1 * y
# @eqtest simplify(x - sin(y)) == x + -1 * sin(y)
# @eqtest simplify(-sin(x)) == -1 * sin(x)
# @eqtest simplify(1 * x * 2) == 2 * x
# @eqtest simplify(1 + x + 2) == 3 + x
# @eqtest simplify(b * b) == b^2 # tests merge_repeats
# @eqtest simplify((a * b)^2) == a^2 * b^2
# @eqtest simplify((a * b)^c) == (a * b)^c

# @eqtest simplify(1x + 2x) == 3x
# @eqtest simplify(3x + 2x) == 5x

# @eqtest simplify(a + b + (x * y) + c + 2 * (x * y) + d) == simplify((3 * x * y) + a + b + c + d)
# @eqtest simplify(a + b + 2 * (x * y) + c + 2 * (x * y) + d) == simplify((4 * x * y) + a + b + c + d)

# @eqtest simplify(a * x^y * b * x^d) == simplify(a * b * (x^(d + y)))

# @eqtest simplify(a + b + 0 * c + d) == simplify(a + b + d)
# @eqtest simplify(a * b * c^0 * d) == simplify(a * b * d)
# @eqtest simplify(a * b * 1 * c * d) == simplify(a * b * c * d)
# @eqtest simplify_fractions(x^2.0 / (x * y)^2.0) == simplify_fractions(1 / (y^2.0))

# @test simplify(Term(one, [a])) == 1
# @test simplify(Term(one, [b + 1])) == 1
# @test simplify(Term(one, [x + 2])) == 1

# @test simplify(Term(zero, [a])) == 0
# @test simplify(Term(zero, [b + 1])) == 0
# @test simplify(Term(zero, [x + 2])) == 0
# end

# @testset "LiteralReal" begin
# @syms x1::LiteralReal x2::LiteralReal
# s = cos(x1 * 3.2) - x2 * 5.8 + x2 * 1.2
# @eqtest s == cos(x1 * 3.2) - x2 * 5.8 + x2 * 1.2

# # Prevents automatic simplification:
# @eqtest s != cos(3.2(x1^1)) - 4.6x2

# # However, manual simplification should still work:
# @eqtest simplify(s) == simplify(cos(3.2x1) - 4.6x2)
# end

# @testset "boolean" begin
# @syms a::Real b c

# @eqtest simplify(a < 0) == (a < 0)
# @eqtest simplify(0 < a) == (0 < a)
# @eqtest simplify((0 < a) | true) == true
# @eqtest simplify(true | (0 < a)) == true
# @eqtest simplify((0 < a) & true) == (0 < a)
# @eqtest simplify(true & (0 < a)) == (0 < a)
# @eqtest simplify(false & (0 < a)) == false
# @eqtest simplify((0 < a) & false) == false
# @eqtest simplify(Term{Bool}(!, [true])) == false
# @eqtest simplify(Term{Bool}(|, [false, true])) == true
# @eqtest simplify(ifelse(true, a, b)) == a
# @eqtest simplify(ifelse(false, a, b)) == b

# # abs
# @test simplify(substitute(ifelse(!(a < 0), a, -a), Dict(a => -1))) == 1
# @test simplify(substitute(ifelse(!(a < 0), a, -a), Dict(a => 1))) == 1
# @test simplify(substitute(ifelse(a < 0, -a, a), Dict(a => -1))) == 1
# @test simplify(substitute(ifelse(a < 0, -a, a), Dict(a => 1))) == 1
# end

# @testset "Pythagorean Identities" begin
# @syms a::Integer x::Real y::Number

# @test simplify(cos(x)^2 + 1 + sin(x)^2) == 2
# @test simplify(cos(y)^2 + 1 + sin(y)^2) == 2
# @test simplify(sin(y)^2 + cos(y)^2 + 1) == 2

# @eqtest simplify(1 + y + tan(x)^2) == sec(x)^2 + y
# @eqtest simplify(1 + y + cot(x)^2) == csc(x)^2 + y
# @eqtest simplify(cos(x)^2 - 1) == -sin(x)^2
# @eqtest simplify(sin(x)^2 - 1) == -cos(x)^2

# @eqtest simplify(cosh(x)^2 + 1 - sinh(x)^2) == 2
# @eqtest simplify(cosh(y)^2 + 1 - sinh(y)^2) == 2
# @eqtest simplify(-sinh(y)^2 + cosh(y)^2 + 1) == 2

# @eqtest simplify(cosh(x)^2 - 1) == sinh(x)^2
# @eqtest simplify(sinh(x)^2 + 1) == cosh(x)^2
# end

# @testset "Double angle formulas" begin
# @syms r x

# @eqtest simplify(r * cos(x / 2)^2 - r * sin(x / 2)^2) == r * cos(x)
# @eqtest simplify(r * sin(x / 2)^2 - r * cos(x / 2)^2) == -r * cos(x)
# @eqtest simplify(2cos(x) * sin(x)) == sin(2x)

# @eqtest simplify(r * cosh(x / 2)^2 + r * sinh(x / 2)^2) == r * cosh(x)
# @eqtest simplify(r * sinh(x / 2)^2 + r * cosh(x / 2)^2) == r * cosh(x)
# @eqtest simplify(2cosh(x) * sinh(x)) == sinh(2x)
# end

# @testset "Exponentials" begin
# @syms a::Real b::Real
# @eqtest simplify(exp(a) * exp(b)) == simplify(exp(a + b))
# @eqtest simplify(exp(a) * exp(a)) == simplify(exp(2a))
# @test simplify(exp(a) * exp(-a)) == 1
# @eqtest simplify(exp(a)^2) == simplify(exp(2a))
# @eqtest simplify(exp(a) * a * exp(b)) == simplify(a * exp(a + b))
# @eqtest simplify(one(Int)^a) == 1
# @eqtest simplify(one(Complex{Float64})^a) == 1
# @eqtest simplify(a^b * 1^a) == a^b
# end

# @testset "simplify_fractions" begin
# @syms x y z
# @eqtest simplify(2 * ((y + z) / x) - 2 * y / x - z / x * 2) == 0
# end

# @testset "Depth" begin
# @syms x
# R = Rewriters.Postwalk(Rewriters.Chain([@rule(sin(~x) => cos(~x)),
# @rule(1 + ~x => ~x - 1)]))
# @eqtest R(sin(sin(sin(x + 1)))) == cos(cos(cos(x - 1)))
# #@eqtest R(sin(sin(sin(x + 1))), depth=2) == cos(cos(sin(x + 1)))
# end

# pred(x) = error("Fail")
# @testset "RuleRewriteError" begin
# @syms a b

# rs = Rewriters.Postwalk(Rewriters.Chain(([@rule ~x + ~y::pred => ~x])))
# @test_throws SymbolicUtils.RuleRewriteError rs(a + b)
# err = try
# rs(a + b)
# catch err
# err
# end
# @test sprint(io -> Base.showerror(io, err)) == "Failed to apply rule ~x + ~(y::pred) => ~x on expression a + b"
# end

# @testset "Threading" begin
# @syms a b c d
# ex = (((0.6666666666666666 / (c / 1)) + ((1 * a) / (c / 1))) +
# (1.0 / (((1 * d) / (1 + b)) * (1 / b)))) +
# ((((1 * a) + (1 * a)) / ((2.0 * (d + 1)) / 1.0)) +
# ((((d * 1) / (1 + c)) * 2.0) / ((1 / d) + (1 / c))))
# @eqtest simplify(ex) == simplify(ex, threaded=true, thread_subtree_cutoff=3)
# @test SymbolicUtils.node_count(a + b * c / d) == 7
# end

# @testset "timerwrite" begin
# @syms a b c d
# expr1 = foldr((x, y) -> rand([*, /])(x, y), rand([a, b, c, d], 100))
# SymbolicUtils.@timerewrite simplify(expr1)
# end

# _g(y) = sin
# @testset "interpolation" begin
# @syms a

# @test isnothing(@rule(_g(1)(a) => 2)(sin(a)))
# @test @rule($(_g(1))(a) => 2)(sin(a)) == 2
# end

r1 = @rule ~x + ~x => 2 * (~x)
r2 = @acrule ~x * +(~~ys) => sum(map(y -> ~x * y, ~~ys))

rset = Rewriters.Postwalk(Rewriters.Chain([r2]))
@test getdepth(rset) == typemax(Int)

ex = 2 * (w + w + α + β)

@eqtest rset(ex) == (((2 * w) + (2 * w)) + (2 * α)) + (2 * β)
@eqtest Rewriters.Fixpoint(rset)(ex) == ((2 * (2 * w)) + (2 * α)) + (2 * β)

@testset "Numeric" begin
@syms a::Integer b c d x::Real y::Number
@eqtest simplify(Term{Real}(conj, [x])) == x
@eqtest simplify(Term{Real}(real, [x])) == x
@eqtest simplify(Term{Real}(imag, [x])) == 0
@eqtest simplify(Term{Real}(imag, [y])) == imag(y)
@eqtest simplify(x - y) == x + -1 * y
@eqtest simplify(x - sin(y)) == x + -1 * sin(y)
@eqtest simplify(-sin(x)) == -1 * sin(x)
@eqtest simplify(1 * x * 2) == 2 * x
@eqtest simplify(1 + x + 2) == 3 + x
@eqtest simplify(b * b) == b^2 # tests merge_repeats
@eqtest simplify((a * b)^2) == a^2 * b^2
@eqtest simplify((a * b)^c) == (a * b)^c

@eqtest simplify(1x + 2x) == 3x
@eqtest simplify(3x + 2x) == 5x

@eqtest simplify(a + b + (x * y) + c + 2 * (x * y) + d) == simplify((3 * x * y) + a + b + c + d)
@eqtest simplify(a + b + 2 * (x * y) + c + 2 * (x * y) + d) == simplify((4 * x * y) + a + b + c + d)

@eqtest simplify(a * x^y * b * x^d) == simplify(a * b * (x^(d + y)))

@eqtest simplify(a + b + 0 * c + d) == simplify(a + b + d)
@eqtest simplify(a * b * c^0 * d) == simplify(a * b * d)
@eqtest simplify(a * b * 1 * c * d) == simplify(a * b * c * d)
@eqtest simplify_fractions(x^2.0 / (x * y)^2.0) == simplify_fractions(1 / (y^2.0))

@test simplify(Term(one, [a])) == 1
@test simplify(Term(one, [b + 1])) == 1
@test simplify(Term(one, [x + 2])) == 1

@test simplify(Term(zero, [a])) == 0
@test simplify(Term(zero, [b + 1])) == 0
@test simplify(Term(zero, [x + 2])) == 0

@testset "LiteralReal" begin
@syms x1::LiteralReal x2::LiteralReal
s = cos(x1 * 3.2) - x2 * 5.8 + x2 * 1.2
@eqtest s == cos(x1 * 3.2) - x2 * 5.8 + x2 * 1.2

# Prevents automatic simplification:
@eqtest s != cos(3.2(x1^1)) - 4.6x2

# However, manual simplification should still work:
@eqtest simplify(s) == simplify(cos(3.2x1) - 4.6x2)

@testset "boolean" begin
@syms a::Real b c

@eqtest simplify(a < 0) == (a < 0)
@eqtest simplify(0 < a) == (0 < a)
@eqtest simplify((0 < a) | true) == true
@eqtest simplify(true | (0 < a)) == true
@eqtest simplify((0 < a) & true) == (0 < a)
@eqtest simplify(true & (0 < a)) == (0 < a)
@eqtest simplify(false & (0 < a)) == false
@eqtest simplify((0 < a) & false) == false
@eqtest simplify(Term{Bool}(!, [true])) == false
@eqtest simplify(Term{Bool}(|, [false, true])) == true
@eqtest simplify(ifelse(true, a, b)) == a
@eqtest simplify(ifelse(false, a, b)) == b

# abs
@test simplify(substitute(ifelse(!(a < 0), a, -a), Dict(a => -1))) == 1
@test simplify(substitute(ifelse(!(a < 0), a, -a), Dict(a => 1))) == 1
@test simplify(substitute(ifelse(a < 0, -a, a), Dict(a => -1))) == 1
@test simplify(substitute(ifelse(a < 0, -a, a), Dict(a => 1))) == 1

@testset "Pythagorean Identities" begin
@syms a::Integer x::Real y::Number

@test simplify(cos(x)^2 + 1 + sin(x)^2) == 2
@test simplify(cos(y)^2 + 1 + sin(y)^2) == 2
@test simplify(sin(y)^2 + cos(y)^2 + 1) == 2

@eqtest simplify(1 + y + tan(x)^2) == sec(x)^2 + y
@eqtest simplify(1 + y + cot(x)^2) == csc(x)^2 + y
@eqtest simplify(cos(x)^2 - 1) == -sin(x)^2
@eqtest simplify(sin(x)^2 - 1) == -cos(x)^2

@eqtest simplify(cosh(x)^2 + 1 - sinh(x)^2) == 2
@eqtest simplify(cosh(y)^2 + 1 - sinh(y)^2) == 2
@eqtest simplify(-sinh(y)^2 + cosh(y)^2 + 1) == 2

@eqtest simplify(cosh(x)^2 - 1) == sinh(x)^2
@eqtest simplify(sinh(x)^2 + 1) == cosh(x)^2

@testset "Double angle formulas" begin
@syms r x

@eqtest simplify(r * cos(x / 2)^2 - r * sin(x / 2)^2) == r * cos(x)
@eqtest simplify(r * sin(x / 2)^2 - r * cos(x / 2)^2) == -r * cos(x)
@eqtest simplify(2cos(x) * sin(x)) == sin(2x)

@eqtest simplify(r * cosh(x / 2)^2 + r * sinh(x / 2)^2) == r * cosh(x)
@eqtest simplify(r * sinh(x / 2)^2 + r * cosh(x / 2)^2) == r * cosh(x)
@eqtest simplify(2cosh(x) * sinh(x)) == sinh(2x)

@testset "Exponentials" begin
@syms a::Real b::Real
@eqtest simplify(exp(a) * exp(b)) == simplify(exp(a + b))
@eqtest simplify(exp(a) * exp(a)) == simplify(exp(2a))
@test simplify(exp(a) * exp(-a)) == 1
@eqtest simplify(exp(a)^2) == simplify(exp(2a))
@eqtest simplify(exp(a) * a * exp(b)) == simplify(a * exp(a + b))
@eqtest simplify(one(Int)^a) == 1
@eqtest simplify(one(Complex{Float64})^a) == 1
@eqtest simplify(a^b * 1^a) == a^b

@testset "simplify_fractions" begin
@syms x y z
@eqtest simplify(2 * ((y + z) / x) - 2 * y / x - z / x * 2) == 0

@testset "Depth" begin
@syms x
R = Rewriters.Postwalk(Rewriters.Chain([@rule(sin(~x) => cos(~x)),
@rule(1 + ~x => ~x - 1)]))
@eqtest R(sin(sin(sin(x + 1)))) == cos(cos(cos(x - 1)))
#@eqtest R(sin(sin(sin(x + 1))), depth=2) == cos(cos(sin(x + 1)))

pred(x) = error("Fail")
@testset "RuleRewriteError" begin
@syms a
_f(x) = x === a
@testset "where1" begin
@syms a b
r = @rule ~x => ~x where {_f(~x)}
@eqtest r(a) == a
@test isnothing(r(b))

rs = Rewriters.Postwalk(Rewriters.Chain(([@rule ~x + ~y::pred => ~x])))
@test_throws SymbolicUtils.RuleRewriteError rs(a + b)
err = try
rs(a + b)
catch err
@test sprint(io -> Base.showerror(io, err)) == "Failed to apply rule ~x + ~(y::pred) => ~x on expression a + b"

@testset "Threading" begin
@syms a b c d
ex = (((0.6666666666666666 / (c / 1)) + ((1 * a) / (c / 1))) +
(1.0 / (((1 * d) / (1 + b)) * (1 / b)))) +
((((1 * a) + (1 * a)) / ((2.0 * (d + 1)) / 1.0)) +
((((d * 1) / (1 + c)) * 2.0) / ((1 / d) + (1 / c))))
@eqtest simplify(ex) == simplify(ex, threaded=true, thread_subtree_cutoff=3)
@test SymbolicUtils.node_count(a + b * c / d) == 7

@testset "timerwrite" begin
@syms a b c d
expr1 = foldr((x, y) -> rand([*, /])(x, y), rand([a, b, c, d], 100))
SymbolicUtils.@timerewrite simplify(expr1)

_g(y) = sin
@testset "interpolation" begin
@syms a

@test isnothing(@rule(_g(1)(a) => 2)(sin(a)))
@test @rule($(_g(1))(a) => 2)(sin(a)) == 2
r = @acrule ~x => ~x where {_f(~x)}
@eqtest r(a) == a
@test r(b) === nothing

@syms a
_f(x) = x === a
@testset "where" begin

@testset "where2" begin
@syms a b
r = @rule ~x => ~x where {_f(~x)}
@eqtest r(a) == a
@test isnothing(r(b))

@testset "where3" begin
@syms a b
r = @acrule ~x => ~x where {_f(~x)}
@eqtest r(a) == a
@test r(b) === nothing

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