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Operating System Course Project which involves implementation of signal functionality in XV6 OS. It supports 8 different types of signals.
Bloom Filter , Advanced Data structure which is used for searching an element within constant time . This Project demonstrates real life application of bloom filter which helps to check whether sit…
Blood Bank Management System - A Database Management Course Project , which manages donors and helps admin to make process smoother . it supports CRUD operations . MYSQL is used for query handling.
Memory Heap Manager , DSA course project which demonstrates working of heap manager using linked list data structure . It demonstrates allocating , deallocating memory and also allows user to see m…
Data Science Project , Which helps to identify Chicken diseases . Accurate Disease Detection , Real-Time Diagnosis , Offers a user-friendly interface, making it accessible to poultry farmers, veter…
Jupyter Notebook
The HTTP server is a basic implementation of a simple web server in Python that supports handling GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD HTTP methods. The server uses the built-in socket module for handling …