SDK for SNES with Higueul language
It is an SDK that aims to have an efficient compilation.
You can have a code as quickly with higueul as by writing it in full asm.
While having a "C-like" syntax.
SDK is in stable version 0.3
To test please download :
And launch higueulc
For more details please read the wiki.
You can learn Higueulc, by reading the example source code, but it has some difference with C, so I advise you to read the wiki :
Video demo:
Discord :
If you have problems with the language or SDK
- sprite management and animation
- map management (via Tiled and RLE compression)
- play music and sounds
- hitbox
- different number display (hex, decimal or decimal mode)
- text display
- joypad
- automatic management of SNES hardware (VBlank, DMA, Fastrom etc)
- Zorder
- manage more meta sprites
- texture compression
- collision
- VScode plugin