This repository contains implementations of various machine learning techniques, covering regression, classification, model performance improvement, clustering, association rule learning, and neural networks.
- Regression
- Classification
- Improving Classifier Performance
- Clustering
- Association Rule Learning
- Multilayer Neural Network
- Dataset: Temperatures of India
- Task: Apply linear regression to predict month-wise temperatures.
- Metrics: MSE, MAE, R-squared
- Visualizations: Simple regression model visualization.
- Dataset: Graduate Admissions
- Task: Build a decision tree classifier to predict university admission based on GRE and academic scores.
- Preprocessing: Label encoding, data transformation (if necessary).
- Steps:
- Data preparation (train-test split)
- Apply decision tree algorithm
- Evaluate model
- Dataset: SMS Spam Collection
- Task: Implement an SMS spam filtering system using a probabilistic approach (Naive Bayes/Bayesian Network).
- Features: Message length, word count, unique keywords, etc.
- Steps:
- Data preprocessing
- Train-test split
- Apply at least two machine learning algorithms and evaluate
- Cross-validation and evaluation
- Hyperparameter tuning and evaluation
- Dataset: Mall Customers
- Task: Apply clustering algorithms (based on spending score) to segment customers into profitable groups.
- Algorithms: At least two clustering algorithms.
- Steps:
- Data preprocessing
- Train-test split (if applicable)
- Apply clustering algorithms
- Evaluate model
- Cross-validation and evaluation (if applicable)
- Dataset: Market Basket Optimization
- Task: Find association rules between items in retail transactions using the Apriori algorithm.
- Steps:
- Data preprocessing
- Generate transaction list
- Train Apriori algorithm
- Visualize rules
- Explore rules with varying minimum confidence.
- Dataset: Pima Indians Diabetes
- Task: Build a multilayer neural network to predict diabetes.
- Architecture: Two hidden layers with ReLU activation, sigmoid output layer.
- Steps:
- Load and define the model (Keras)
- Compile and fit the model
- Evaluate performance with different epochs and batch sizes
- Evaluate with different activation functions
- Visualize the model (using ANN Visualizer).
List all required libraries and their versions (e.g., pandas
, numpy
, scikit-learn
, tensorflow
, keras
, mlxtend