Add Import of 3DM files to FreeCAD
- rhino3dm - Open Python Rhino 3dm library
You need to use the same version and level of Python that FreeCAD is using to install rhino3dm.
You can find out the version FreeCAD is using by using
FreeCAD | About freecad | Libraries
or Looking at the heading in FreeCAD python console
FreeCAD 1.0.0 on Mac uses Python 3.11
Make sure Mac is also 3.11 using homebrew
brew instal [email protected]
install rhino3dm in FreeCAD path
Start FreeCAD
- In python console
- import sys
- print(sys.path)
- In python console
python3.11 -m pip install rhino3dm --no-cache -t '/Applications/FreeCAD'
- The workbench is available via the FreeCAD AddonManager
- However users may have to install rhino3dm depending on OS.
- One suggestion
Start FreeCAD
In python console
- import sys
- print(sys.path)
Select one the the directories listed
If FreeCAD is using Python 3.8
python3.8 -m pip install rhino3dm -t [directory path]
restart FreeCAD
- sudo apt install python3-pip
- pip3 install --user rhino3dm
- Change directory to .FreeCAD/Mod
i.e. with a dot - git clone
- start or restart FreeCAD
Can be downloaded from
- Icon design by Freepik
- 3dm testCases kindly supplied by Jonne Neva (cheezebreeze)
- Chris Grellier
- Keith Sloan