This mod adds a 9x9 crafting table and it's based on Avaritia for 1.7.10.
Downloads located on CurseForge.
If you found any bug on this mod please report it:
- Make sure your issue hasn't already been fixed and that it hasn't been reported it
- Go to the issues page and click new issue
- Enter your a title of your issue (something that summarizes your issue), and then create a detailed description of the issue.
- Do not tag it with something like
. When it is applicable, we will take care of it. - The following details are required.
- Forge version
- RiceCraftingTable version
- Crash log(Please usepastebin)
- Post the full log.
- Other mods and their version, when reporting an issue between RiceCraftingTable and some other mod
- Also consider updating these before submitting a new issue, it might be already fixed
- A detailed description of the bug or feature
- Also give these informations:
- What was expected?
- How to reproduce the problem?
- Server or Client side
- Screen shots or Pictures of the problem
- Mod Pack using and version?
- The modpack might be using an outdated version of the mod. If so you should report to the Modpack author instead
- Do not tag it with something like
- Click
Submit New Issue
Contribution can be done by pull requesting
How to:
- Fork this repo
- Clone the fork via
git clone [email protected]:<your username>/RiceCraftingTable.git
or - HTTPS
git clone<your username>/RiceCraftingTable.git
- Change code base
- Add changes to git
git add -A
- Commit changes to your clone
git commit -m "<summary of changes made>"
- Push to your fork
git push
- Create a Pull-Request on GitHub
- Wait for review
- vincentmet for helping me with some parts of the code
- thebritishbrotherhood69 for making ALL the texture and for being such a good streamer