a lil thing that scans your ECR images and then notifies slack if you have vulnerabilities.
Make sure your new and old repos are set up to take advatage of ECS image scanning - I've incliuded an example repo in repo.tf
Download the most recent version of boto3 - at the time of creating this the most recent version is 1.10.16. You need to do this because boto3 on lambda doesn't have ECR's new scanning capabilities.
mkdir -p $LIB_DIR
pip3 install boto3 -t $LIB_DIR
cd ~/boto3/
aws lambda publish-layer-version --layer-name boto3-1-10-16 --zip-file fileb:///tmp/boto3-mylayer.zip
Create a new KMS key
createKey=`terraform apply --target=aws_kms_key.slack_lambda`
keyId=`terraform output kms_id`
keyArn=`terraform output kms_arn`
aws kms create-alias --alias-name alias/LambdaSlack --target-key-id ${keyId}
Use that key to Encrypt your Slack Incoming Webhook URL - this will give you a big blurb of text - copy that into the variables.tf file as the "encrypted_hook_url"
aws kms encrypt --key-id ${keyId} --plaintext 'hooks.slack.com/services/SUPER/SECRET/HIDDENURL' --output text --query CiphertextBlob
Follow this to figure out how to set up an incoming webhook if you don't already https://api.slack.com/messaging/webhooks
finally zip up the python file, after making any adjustments that you'd like, and run terraform apply
zip lambda_function_payload.zip imageScanner.py
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
Now every time you push a new image to a repo, if you have "Scan on Push" enabled, this lambda will trigger, scan the new image, and alert slack if needed.
- ID of VPC meant to house clusterenvironment
- Environment you're going to launch into. I have it separated into QA and PROD so that QA only alerts on HIGH and CRITICAL vulnerabilities.profile
- I've included profile usage, if that's your thing.region
- leave this defaulthandler
- leave this defaultruntime
- Running on py2.7 because I don't have time to figure out the urllib for python3.boto3_layer_name
- what ever you named your boto3 layer name in step 1boto3_layer_version
- and the version of the layer, this is given to you when you push up the layer.encrypted_hook_url
- the big blurb of text you'll receive in step 3, encrypting the URL
- KMS key IDkms_arn
- KMS key ARN